
Wilhelm Langthaler
Ali Abunimah, Ilan Pappé and Sophia Deeg
End of November 2010 a historic conference under the slogan “Separated in the past – together in the future” took place in Stuttgart, Germany. As the last years saw increasing difficulties to rent representative venues for pro-Palestinians events the organizers moved to a secure hall in the periphery which was completely overcrowded with some 200 participants. There were rumors that the organizers had to refuse another 200 applicants.
Stuttgart, 26-28 November 2010
From 26-28 November 2010, over 200 participants came together for a “Palestine Solidarity Conference”. The theme of this three-day conference, with the title Separated in the past – together in the future, was “Barriers and Perspectives for a just solution” of the conflict between the state of Israel and the Palestinians.
Maryam Abu Dagga has been a political activist with the PFLP in the Gaza Strip for all her life. Imprisoned at the age of 15, she was forced into exile in Jordan, Lebanon and Bulgaria where she finalised her studies. After the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority she returned to Gaza, where she founded, in 2006, the Palestinian Developmental Women Studies Association (PDWSA). Her current work focuses on Palestinian female prisoners.
Leila Khaled
"We have learnt from history that when a people is occupied and oppressed they will revolt to liberate themselves using all methods"
The campaign to free Ameer Makhoul, a Palestinian citizen of Israel and political and human rights activist falsely accused of espionage, has achieved significant advances. Makhoul’s attorneys challenged the legality of the circumstances of his arrest and undermined the prosecution’s core allegations against him on September 16th in the Haifa District Court. State Prosecutors admitted that no evidence of espionage had been found in any of the computers and cellular phones seized from Makhoul’s home and office. Nor was any evidence of espionage found, they admitted, in the transcripts of thirty thousand wiretapped telephone conversations.
Adel Samara
Over the years of occupation, normalization with the Zionist regime had strengthened and became deeply rooted to dominate all aspects of life in the occupied West Bank and Gaza (WBG) to the extent that it is possible to call it the Socio-economic formation of normalization or Trickle-down.
by Mohamed Aburous
Abu Obaida Shakir
In the frame of the Sumud mission to the Ain el Hilweh refugee camp in July/August 2010 we met Abu Obaida Shakir, IJ’s spokesman for the camp.
by Franklin Lamb
A 15-Minute Sop for Refugees - The members of Parliament decided to do essentially nothing to meet Lebanon’s legal, moral, religious, social and political obligations to her unwanted refugees.
Mohamad Aburous
Interview with Jamal Khattab, leader of the Haraka Islamiyyah Muhjahida (Jihadic Islamic Movement, JIM), conducted in the Palestinian refugee camp Ain el Hilweh, Lebanon, in summer 2010.
Mohammad Aburous
The brigade had a long day filming and interviewing the reality in the camp, as in the late afternoon the news arrived: Leila Khaled is surely coming this evening. Delegation participants were excited to meet what they saw as a Palestinian living legend, who performed two aircraft hijacks within less than two years (1969 and 1970), attrackting the world attention to the Palestinian cause and becoming an icon who personified Palestine in the minds of two leftiest generations.


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