
Elisa Wiener
Amid war threats Sumud concludes its project with screening the films produced with the youth of the camp. It met also Hezbollah' MP Ali Fayyad.
Liberated Beaufort Castle in South Lebanon
Sumud delegates met a Hamas leader, improved the film work, visited the Ghassan-Kanafani-school and discuss the strategies of resistance with a PFLP leader.
All signs indicate that Israel is starting to take seriously the threat of Palestine solidarity activists, the types of people brushed off for so long by media and policymakers as marginal and irrelevant.
Willi Langthaler
From May 28 to 30, 2010, the “Second Conference for a Secular Democratic State in Historic Palestine and the Right to Return” took place. Both regarding the number of participants as well as the political broadness the conference was a considerable success. The obvious failure of the two-state formula, the unabated Zionist land grab has completely unmasked “left” Zionism. More and more people, including Jews both from within Israel and across the globe, embrace the perspective of one common democratic state no more colonising the Arabs.
Popular Egyptian Convoy to break the siege of Gaza
A convoy organized by Egypt’s political forces took off to Rafah, 11 June, in an effort to end the blockade imposed on Gaza since 2007.
Dear Participants and Supporters of the 2nd Haifa conference for the Return of the Palestinian Refugees and the Democratic Secular State in Historic Palestine,
In August 2009, an international youth brigade visited the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein El-Hilweh starting the joint project of Sumud and the Palestinian-Lebanese association Nashet.
A statement by Palestinian feminist and women organizations
A statement by Palestinian feminist and women organizations condemning the political arrests of human rights activists Ameer Makhoul, and Omar Said
Haifa – At a time when prospects for a settlement that concedes basic Palestinian rights are blocked, interest in the one democratic state solution is witnessing an unprecedented growth. Wide sectors of Palestinians, in historic Palestine and exile, have adopted it, while international support for it is increasing daily. In this context, a committed group of activists is vigorously putting the final touches on the Second Haifa Conference for the Return of the Palestinian Refugees and for the Secular Democratic State in Historic Palestine.
Charlotte Malterre
Even though the Palestinian Supreme Court declared his imprisonment unconstitutional, and Amnesty International protested against his unfair trial, he has been sentenced to 30 years of jail. He is on the Hamas request list of prisoners to be exchanged against Gilad Shalit.


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