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Schwarze Liste der Europäischen Unipn

31. Oktober 2002

30.10.2002 L 295/4 Official Journal of the European Communities

1. * ALBERDI URANGA, Itziar (ETA activist) born 7.10.1963 in Durango (Biscay), identity card No 78.865.693
2. * ALBISU IRIARTE, Miguel (ETA activist; member of Gestoras Pro-amnistà­a) born 7.6.1961 in San Sebastián
(Guipúzcoa), identity card No 15.954.596
3. AL-MUGHASSIL, Ahmad Ibrahim (aka ABU OMRAN; aka AL-MUGHASSIL, Ahmed Ibrahim) born 26.6.1967 in
Qatif-Bab al Shamal, Saudi Arabia; citizen Saudi Arabia
4. AL-NASSER, Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed, born in Al Ihsa, Saudi Arabia; citizen Saudi Arabia
5. AL YACOUB, Ibrahim Salih Mohammed, born 16.10.1966 in Tarut, Saudi Arabia; citizen Saudi Arabia
6. * APAOLAZA SANCHO, Iván (ETA activist; member of K.Madrid) born 10.11.1971 in Beasain (Guipúzcoa),
identity card No 44.129.178
7. * ARZALLUS TAPIA, Eusebio (ETA activist) born 8.11.1957 in Regil (Guipúzcoa), identity card No 15.927.207
8. ATWA, Ali (aka BOUSLIM, Ammar Mansour; aka SALIM, Hassan Rostom), Lebanon, born 1960 in Lebanon;
citizen Lebanon
9. * BERASATEGUI ESCUDERO, Ismael (ETA activist; member of K. Behorburu) born 15.6.1969 in Eibar
(Guipúzcoa), identity card No. 15.379.555
10. * ECHEBERRIA SIMARRO, Leire (ETA activist) born 20.12.1977 in Basauri (Bizcay), identity card No.
11. * ECHEGARAY ACHIRICA, Alfonso (ETA activist) born 10.1.1958 in Plencia (Bizcay), identity card No.
12. * ELCORO AYASTUY, Paulo (ETA activist; member of Jarrai/Haika/Segi) born 22.10.1973 in Vergara
(Guipúzcoa), identity card No 15.394.062
13. EL-HOORIE, Ali Saed Bin Ali (aka AL-HOURI, Ali Saed Bin Ali; aka EL-HOURI, Ali Saed Bin Ali) born
10.7.1965 alt. 11.7.1965 in El Dibabiya, Saudi Arabia; citizen Saudi Arabia
14. * FIGAL ARRANZ, Antonio Agustà­n (ETA activist; member of Kas/Ekin) born 2.12.1972 in Baracaldo (Biscay),
identity card No 20.172.692
15. * GOGEASCOECHEA ARRONATEGUI, Eneko (ETA activist), born 29.4.1967 in Guernica (Biscay), identity card
No 44.556.097
16. * GOIRICELAYA GONZALEZ, Cristina (ETA activist; member of Herri Batasuna/E.H/Batasuna), born 23.12.1967
in Vergara (Guipúzcoa), identity card No 16.282.556
17. * IPARRAGUIRRE GUENECHEA, Ma Soledad (ETA Activist) born 25.4.1961 in Escoriaza (Navarra), identity card
No 16.255.819
18. * IZTUETA BARANDICA, Enrique (ETA activist) born 30.7.1955 in Santurce (Biscay), identity card No
19. IZZ-AL-DIN, Hasan (aka GARBAYA, AHMED; aka SA-ID; aka SALWWAN, Samir), Lebanon, born 1963 in
Lebanon, citizen Lebanon
20. MOHAMMED, Khalid Shaikh (aka ALI, Salem; aka BIN KHALID, Fahd Bin Adballah; aka HENIN, Ashraf Refaat
Nabith; aka WADOOD, Khalid Adbul) born 14.4.1965 alt. 1.3.1964 in Pakistan, passport No 488555
21. * MORCILLO TORRES, Gracia (ETA activist; member of Kas/Ekin) born 15.3.1967 in San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa),
identity card No 72.439.052
22. MUGHNIYAH, Imad Fa`iz (aka MUGHNIYAH, Imad Fayiz), senior intelligence officer of HIZBALLAH, born
7.12.1962 in Tayr Dibba, Lebanon, passportNo 432298 (Lebanon)
23. * MUà‘OA ORDOZGOITI, Aloña (ETA activist; member of Kas/Ekin) born 6.7.1976 in Segura (Guipúzcoa), identity
card No 35.771.259
24. * NARVÍEZ GOà‘I, Juan Jesús (ETA activist) born 23.2.1961 in Pamplona (Navarra), identity card No
25. * ORBE SEVILLANO, Zigor (ETA activist; member of Jarrai/Haika/Segi) born 22.9.1975 in Basauri (Biscay), identity
card No 45.622.851
(1) Persons marked with * shall be the subject of Article 4 only.
26. * OTEGUI UNANUE, Mikel (ETA activist; member of Jarrai/Haika/Segi) born 8.10.1972 in Itsasondo (Guipúzcoa),
identity card No 44.132.976
27. * PALACIOS ALDAY, Gorka (ETA activist; member of K.Madrid), born 17.10.1974 in Baracaldo (Biscay), identity
card No 30.654.356
28. * PEREZ ARAMBURU, Jon Iñaki (ETA activist; member of Jarrai/Haika/Segi) born 18.9.1964 in San Sebastián
(Guipúzcoa), identity card No 15.976.521
29. * QUINTANA ZORROZUA, Asier (ETA activist; member of K.Madrid), born 27.2.1968 in Bilbao (Biscay), identity
card No 30.609.430
30. * RUBENACH ROIG, Juan Luis (ETA activist; member of K.Madrid), born 18.9.1964 in Bilbao (Biscay), identity
card No 18.197.545
31. * SAEZ DE EGUILAZ MURGUIONDO, Carlos (ETA activist; member of Kas/Ekin) born 9.12.1963 in San
Sebastián (Guipúzcoa), identity card No 15.962.687
32. SISON, Jose Maria (aka Armando Liwanag, aka Joma, in charge of NPA) born 8.2.1939 in Cabugao, Philippines
33. * URANGA ARTOLA, Kemen (ETA activist; member of Herri Batasuna/E.H/Batasuna) born 25.5.1969 in
Ondarroa (Biscay), identity card No 30.627.290
34. * VALLEJO FRANCO, Iñigo (ETA activist) born 21.5.1976 in Bilbao (Biscay), identity card No 29.036.694
35. * VILA MICHELENA, Fermà­n (ETA activist; member of Kas/Ekin) born 12.3.1970 in Irún (Guipúzcoa), identity
card No 15.254.214

1. Abu Nidal Organisation (ANO), (aka Fatah Revolutionary Council, Arab Revolutionary Brigades, Black
September, and Revolutionary Organisation of Socialist Muslims)
2. Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
3. Aum Shinrikyo (aka AUM, aka Aum Supreme Truth, aka Aleph)
4. Babbar Khalsa
5. * Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)
6. * Euskadi Ta Askatasuna/Tierra Vasca y Libertad/Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)
(The following organisations are part of the terrorist group ETA: Kas., Xaki, Ekin, Jarrai-Haika-Segi, Gestoras proamnistà­a,

7. Gama`a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group), (aka Al-Gama`a al-Islamiyya, IG)
8. * Grupos de Resistencia Antifascista Primero de Octubre/Antifascist Resistance Groups First of October (GRAPO)
9. Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem (terrorist wing of Hamas)
10. Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development
11. International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)
12. Kahane Chai (Kach)
13. Kurdistan Workers` Party (PKK)
14. Lashkar e Tayyaba (LET)/Pashan-e-Ahle Hadis
15. * Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF)
16. Mujahedin-e Khalq Organisation (MEK or MKO) (minus the …‘National Council of Resistance of Iran´ (NCRI)) (aka
The National Liberation Army of Iran (NLA, the militant wing of the MEK), the People`s Mujahidin of Iran
(PMOI), Muslim Iranian Student`s Society)
17. New People`s Army (NPA), Philippines, linked to Sison Jose Maria C. (aka Armando Liwanag, aka Joma, in charge
of NPA)

18. * Orange Volunteers (OV)
19. Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
20. Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
21. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
22. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, (aka PFLP-General Command, aka PFLP-GC)

23. * Real IRA
30.10.2002 L 295/3 Official Journal of the European Communities EN
24. * Red Hand Defenders (RHD)
25. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
26. * Revolutionary Nuclei/Epanastatiki Pirines
27. * Revolutionary Organisation 17 November/Dekati Evdomi Noemvri
28. Revolutionary People`s Liberation Army/Front/Party (DHKP/C), (aka Devrimci Sol (Revolutionary Left), Dev Sol)
29. * Revolutionary Popular Struggle/Epanastatikos Laikos Agonas (ELA)
30. Shining Path (SL) (Sendero Luminoso)
31. * Ulster Defence Association/Ulster Freedom Fighters (UDA/UFF)
32. United Self-Defense Forces/Group of Colombia (AUC) (Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia)
