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International Conference by Orthodox Anti-Zionist Jewish Community of Vienna

12. Juni 2006

on the occasion of Bush’s visit to Vienna

Held by religious leaders from different religions . This conference will be taking place on the occasion of the US-EU-Summit . Discussting the Exersize of Power and Upresion in the Middle East by the U.S.A Foreign Policys,

Regretfuly, the religious leaders have not taken position so far. The basic precondition for world peace and a prosperous development in the future is that peoples return to their religious and cultural roots and taking their faith Seriously, to their faithfulness to God who has to be the foundation. For this reason the Orthodox Jewish Cultural Community Vienna considers the dialogue between the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish leaders as significantly important.

On the 19th of June 2006 a big peaceful Gathering and a conference under the leadership of representatives of different religious communities as well as NGOs from Austria, Europe, the Near/Middle East and the whole world, joined by members of parliament will be taking place. The following subjects should be discussed in detail so that the right conclusions could be drawn also in Practical terms:
– Solidarity and Support of the Entire Palestinian Nation and Palestinian Caus
– a free Jerusalem
– peace in the Holy Land
– the situation of Christian churches and other communities and their representatives in Jerusalem
– solidarity with the people of Iraq
– clear position of religions on current wars and against wars in general
– The Obvious Right of the Iranian Nation of a Peacefull Nuklear Program
– position taken by religions against the current preparations of new wars in the Near/Middle East

Peaceful Gathering: on 19 June 2006

Place: Stephansplatz, 1010 Vienna Austria

Time: 12:00 noon

13:30 hrs.: March of religious representatives to Ballhausplatz Presidential Palace (governmental centre)

15:00 hrs.: Beginnung of the conference at the GRAND HOTEL VIENNA, Kärntner Ring 9 1010 Vienna
21:00 hrs.: End of the conference

Moishe Ayre Friedman
Chairman of the Unterstützungsverein
And chiefrabbi of the Orthodox Jewish Community Vienna Austria
