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Resistance is not terrorism

Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2004, August 2-6, Assisi, Italy, as of July 22

4. May 2004

Dedicated to the comrades Avin Er a Zeynep Kilic who are unjustly detained since April 1 in Italy and all the anti-imperialist prisoners from Palestine to Guantanamo

Resistance is not terrorism
Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2004, August 2-6, Assisi, Italy

Thursday, July 29, 12 am

Press conference presenting the Camp 2004
Perugia near the Centre Carlo Giuliani
Criminalization cannot stop the resistance, promoters and lawyers of the camp address the public

Sunday, August 1, 9 pm

Forum: The big lie – the fake game of Berlusconi with the four Italians captured in Iraq (Moreno Pasquinelli, Anti-imperialist Camp; Leonardo Mazzei, Italian Committees Free Iraq)

Opening concert with Joe Fallisi

Monday, August 2
Within the American Empire

Forum 1: The contribution of Islam in the struggle against imperialism and Zionism. The experience of Hezbollah in Lebanon (Mohammad Fneich, MP of Hezbollah)

Forum 2: Fight all forms of racism – no to the usage of anti-Semitism as pretext to Zionism. Accounts from Europe and Palestine (Ibrahim Makkawi, Abna el Balad, Palestine within the Green line; Shraga Elam, journalist and activist for a democratic state and peace in Palestine which migrated form Israel to Switzerland; Giancarlo Paciello, Italian publicist)

Forum 3: September 11, 2001 – Neo-conservative complot or strike against the heart of the empire (Roberto Massari, Italian publicists and publisher; Witold Fischer, historian and vice president of the Free Thinkers Thuringia, Germany)

Afternoon session: Anarchism and communism in the youth debate (Michele Fabiani, anarchist youth militant and Giovanni Teti, militant of the antagonist youth organisation POSSE)

Round table – Plenary: The deceit of the war of civilisations (Hamza Piccardo, National secretary of the Union of Italian Islamic Communities (UCOII); Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, leader of the Muslim parliament of Britain; Imam Mohamed Tawfiq Chamseddine, Lebanon; Serguei Novikov, Member of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Workers` Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RKRP-RPK); Costanzo Preve, philosopher; Mauro Pasquinelli, Anti-imperialist Camp)

Tuesday, August 3
Another world is possible – which one?

Forum 1: Chiapas – the forgotten revolt (Oralba Castillo Nájera, Colectivo Libertad, Mexico)

Forum 2: Venezuela: origin and dynamics of the Bolivarian movement of Chavez (Maria Bencomo, Movimento Populare di Base, Venezuela; Gernot Bodner, Anti-imperialist Camp)

Forum 3: Bolivia – indigenous revolt and social revolution (Fà©lix Patzi, Bolivian sociologist of the Community of Alternative Studies and close collaborator of the Indigenous Movement Pachakutik, MIP)

Afternoon session: From Melfi to Pomigliano – the rebirth of the workers´ struggles (Mara Malavenda, ex MP, and Vittorio Granillo both from the base unions Slai Cobas Alfa Romeo)

Round Table – Plenary: The anti-globalisation movement and the debate about non violence (Sergio Manes, Italian editor; Vainer Burani, Italian Democratic Lawyers, Association New Colombia; Roberto Massari, Italian publicist; Lars Akerhaug, Red Electoral Alliance Norway; Moreno Pasquinelli, Anti-imperialist Camp)

Wednesday, August 4
From resistance to liberation

Forum 1: The struggle against colonialism in Palestine: the impasse of Oslo and the solution of one democratic state (Yoav Bar, Abna el Balad; Jamil Abdul, Palestinian intellectual)

Forum 2: The real story of the Iraqi communist movement (Ahmed Karim of the Democratic Patriotic Communist Movement of Iraq; Nuri al-Moradi of the Iraqi Communist Party Cadre)

Forum 3: Turkey – the popular struggle and democratic and revolutionary opposition (HÖC Front for Rights and Liberties; Ridvan Kaya, Özgür Der)

Afternoon session: Towards the int´l day of action for the Iraqi resistance – Int´l meeting of the committees Free Iraq
Iraq: Awni al-Kalemji, Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, Nori al-Moradi, Iraqi Communist Party (Cadre), Ahmed Karim, Democratic Communist Current Iraq
Italy: Leonardo Mazzei, Giuseppe Pelazza, Aldo Bernadini, Roberto Massari; Comitati Irak Libero (Free Iraq Commitees)
Britain: Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, Executive Committee Member of the British Stop the War Coalition
Germany: Dimitri Tsalos, Komitee Freier Irak (Free Iraq Committee)
Austria: Willi Langthaler, Irina Vana; Komitee Freier Irak (Free Iraq Committee)
Hungary: Peter Szekely, Free Iraq Committee
Norway: Lars Akerhaug, International officer of the Rød Valgallianse (Red Electoral Alliance), Mass Soldal Lund, Palestine Committee
Russia: Serguei Novikov, Committee for Anti-imperialist Solidarity Action

Round table – Plenary: Iraq – from the popular revolt of Falluja to the Brahimi plan (Awni al-Kalemji, Iraqi Patriotic Alliance; Aldo Bernardini, professor for international law, Italy; Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, Stop the War Coalition, Britain; Leonardo Mazzei, Anti-imperialist Camp)

Music Concert by “Combat Rock”

Thursday, August 5
Symphony of freedom

Forum 1: Chechnya – Russian Communists and Auto-determination (Serguei Novikov, Member of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Workers` Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RKRP-RPK))

Forum 2: Kashmir between self-determination and annexation (Shazia Mir, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front)

Forum 3: The Basque Liberation struggle at a turning point (Iñaki Gil de San Vicente, Basque Independentist Left; Ion Iurrebaso, Basque Solidarity Movement with the political prisoners)

Afternoon session: For a European antagonist red-green pole point (Iñaki Gil de San Vicente presents the proposal of the Basque Independentist Left)

Round table – Plenary: Is communism still a historic option? (Marco Ferrando, Party of Communist Refoundation – Communist Project; Catia Bellillo, MP of the Party of Italian Communists); Alessandro Leoni, Party of Communist Refoundation – Ernesto Tuscany; Costanzo Preve, philosopher; Alessandra Kersevan, historian; Francesco Giuntoli, Anti-imperialist Camp)

Friday, August 6
Their Europe and ours

Forum 1: Crusade against Islam – the French ban of the veil (Representative of the French Islamic community; Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, Muslim Parliament of Britain; Murat Yilmaz Türk, Human Rights & Dignity Germany)

Forum 2: Democracy and social antagonism – the Italian case (Mario Di Mauro, Terra e Liberazione, Sicily); Vainer Burani, Democratic Lawyers Italy)

Forum 3: Police state and the operation of April 1 – towards a movement against the repression (Giuseppe Pelazza, lawyer of the Italian anti-imperialists accused of terrorism; DHKC International; Red Proletarian Help)

Round table – Plenary: the American imperial strategy and the future of Europe (Iñaki Gil de San Vicente, Basque Independentist Left; Giorgio Lindi, Party of Communist Refoundation; Peter Szekely, Hungarian Workers´ Party and Left Front; Willi Langthaler, Anti-imperialist Camp; 32 County Sovereignty Movement, Ireland)

Closing concert with the group Hotel House

Saturday, August 7

Int´l assembly of the Anti-imperialist Camp (for all national sections and sympathisers)
