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A case for Seraiki People

18. August 2004

Paper read in the seminary organized by Pakistan Oppressed Nations Movement (PONM)

Dear friends and respected leaders of the oppressed nations and peoples of Pakistan!

I am here to represent the case of Seraiki people struggling for their constitutional, political, economic, cultural rights which are violated and denied by the dominant ethnic groups and ruling cliques supported by ruthless institutions of the state of Pakistan.

Geographical background

Seraiki speaking people, more than 50 million, have been residing in a vast area in center of Pakistan that is 1,66,326 sq Km. Out of which 1,54,157,sq Km is in Punjab making 75% of the total area of Punjab. Historically, Seraiki people were rich with land and water resources having four deltas of five rivers, vast plains, two major deserts, Cholistan and Thal, and a long strip between River Indus and the Suleman Range. These massive lands, water and rangeland resources provided with numberous agricultural products and livestock and vast livelihood opportunities.

The Seraiki region comprises central parts of Pakistan, contiguous to all the present four provinces that is Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Pakhtunkhwa. Strategically, the importance of the area is that all communication lines passes through this area. The gas pipeline from Iran to India and central Asia to India, Qatar and else where also passes through Multan. It is the shortest appropriate land route. Culturally, it has close links with all the neighboring nations and peoples. The Seraiki language is almost spoken and understood in other four provinces. It is in fact the real lingua franca of Pakistan.

Historical background

The two main cultural centers of the area, Multan and Bahwalpur, had been independent states for centuries. Multan was first time annexed into Punjab when Sikhs captured the city in 1818 by defeating Nawab Muzaffar Khan who was killed with his six sons and one daughter while defending the motherland. But, it remained a province. In 1849, the British forces captured Multan after fierce battle of eight months and subsequently turned it into an administrative division of the Punjab province.

Bahawalpur remained an independent state until one-unit was created under West Pakistan Act in 1955 and state was abolished and made an administrative division of the then West Pakistan. Before this, the state had its own assembly, justice and legislation department, a number of ministries, and besides the regular forces, it had national guards and security reserves.

Before the one-unit, Bahawalpur was an independent unit of Pakistan which only acceded defence, communications and foreign affairs to the central government. Ironically, under an agreement with the central government of Pakistan, the Bahawalpur state was paying a recurring annual contribution of one crore (10 million) rupees towards defence of Pakistan, meaning strengthening armed forces of the country.

Denial of constitutional, political and cultural rights

After the creation of one-unit, the Seraiki area and people literally became the conquered area and the conquered people. All official record of the Bahwalpur state was shifted to Lahore. Multan was already plundered by the Sikhs and the British Army. Historical and cultural heritage looted and largely shifted to the capital of Punjab. The language and culture of the Seraiki people was dubbed as Punjabi language and culture, history was distorted, and even efforts were made and being made to blur the historical and cultural identity to the people.

After the abolition of one-unit, instead of declaring Bahwalpur an independent unit, as it was, or a province, it was annexed into the Punjab as an administrative division. The people showed resentment against this arbitrary decision which soon turned into a movement that resulted in landslide victory for the Bahawalpur Suba Mahaz in 1970 elections. But, the rulers refused to accept the right of the people and rejected the will of the people so openly expressed in the general elections.

The continuous exploitation of the resources of Seraiki region, contemptuous attitude of the government functionaries largely belonging to Punjab +army ruling clique and shrinking livelihood opportunities forced the people to unite for the struggle for a separate Seraiki province. For the past 35 years, the people are engaged in a movement for their separate political, cultural and linguistic identity but their rights are denied by the state and the powerful ruling cliques.

Plunder of natural resources

After the introduction of irrigation systems, the barrages and canals, the lands in Cholistan and Thal became the main target of the Panjab+Army. Under the Thal Development Authority rules, the local farmers were barred from getting allotment of land and instead it was allotted to farmers from the central Punjab and to the civil, military and judicial bureaucrats.

According to information disclosed in the Punjab Assembly by the then provincial revenue minister, Chaudhry Mohammad Iqbal, 6150 military officers and men were allotted 4,48,024 acres of agricultural land in Punjab (that is Cholistan and Thal) between 1952 to 1985. During the past 20 years, about 5 lac acres of land in Seraiki region have been allotted to the armed forces personnel which according to a recent report include 100 senior officers from the rank of brigadier to general including Gen. Pervez Musharaf, Gen. Aziz, Gen. Moinuddin Haider, and Lt. Gen. Khalid Maqbool. They have been allotted land in Cholistan.


Economy of the Seraiki region is generally based on agriculture, livestock and agro related trades and professions. But, by the unmindful policies of the state and by denying the right of representation to the people to decision-making forums, which again comprise of Punjab+Army clique, the economy of the Seraiki area has been ruined. The agriculture once contributed more than 40 percent to the GDP which has now declined to about 24 percent. The agricultural growth rate has fallen to 2 percent and in some years to less than one percent from once 6 to 7 percent.

Generally, the farmers are under the burden of debt. The agricultural loans which were Rs 72 crore in 1985, have risen up to more than Rs. 15 billion in 2000-2001 that is about 1600 percent rise in the loans. According to a study by the PIDE, informal credit to the farmers which had declined to 41 percent in 1985 again rose to 76 percent in 1990 and 78 percent in 1996. The indebted farmers are forced to sell their lands and other assets and migrate to other places.

Now, the land is being grabbed by the powerful, the prices of agricultural products (particularly cotton and sugarcane) are manipulated by the industrialists belonging to the Punjab+ Army due to the state policies and its agreements, the rivers are dry and the land and the people who were once rich with these resources are now migrating to other places in search of livelihood.

Representation in state institutions

Seraiki people, though being dubbed as Punjabi are not trusted in by Punjab it self and are deprived of representation in the state institutions that matter. It is interesting that Bahawalpur State used to contribute one crore rupees for the armed forces annually but so far only one general came form that land. You can find only few Seraiki senior bureaucrats in Islamabad or Lahore. There are 38 judges in the Lahore high Court but only three are Seraiki while the population of Seraikis in Punjab is 60%. Bureaucrats from Punjab in grade 17 to 22 are now 14000 out of which Seraikis are due to be 8400 according to the percent age. But they are not more then 1000. Regarding the Supreme Court, no permanent judge has been inducted from Seraikis in 57 years. Seraiki people are almost completely neglected in the government bodies and forums which decide the fate of the people. We do not know who plans for us and how. We are not involved in planning of the development schemes, for deciding the prices of our products or for preparing the projects of cultural promotion. Chaudhry Pervez Elahi recently announced the establishment of the Institute of Punjabi Language and Culture. However, after realizing that the non-Punjabis in Punjab might show their resentment against the decision, now it has been named as the Punjab Institute of Language and Culture. But, this all was decided in Lahore.

The Seraiki people are also deprived of jobs not only in government sector but in private sector, even in Seraiki area, which is obviously controlled by the Punjabi establishment.

Violation of rights

The Constitution of Pakistan, though it is distorted and molested, guarantees the political, economic and cultural rights of the people. It guarantees opportunities for livelihood. It guarantees protection and promotion of the peoples´ languages and cultures. A large number of UN conventions and Pakistan is also signatory of those, urges its member states to protect and promote political, economic and cultural rights of their peoples. But, the Pakistani state and its Punjab +Army rulers are blatantly violating the Constitution and the UN conventions.

Pakistan running without constitution

The state is being run by Chief of Army Staff at the center. Corps commanders are controlling the provinces and inter services intelligence (ISI) officials are in charge of the districts. All other institutions are only on the papers. The reason being that duly elected constituent assembly on one man one vote basis could not make a constitution.

The first constituent assembly was declared in 1947 which was elected in united India and so had nothing to do with to day´s Pakistan.

The second constituent assembly of 1956 was elected through the members of the provincial assemblies.

And the third one of 1962 was elected through Basis Democracy (BD) members.

The first ever constituent assembly on adult franchise was the result of 1970 elections. All political parties of Pakistan including the religious ones took part in these elections but the majority seats were secured by Awami Leage having a six points aganda which guaranteed the rights of oppressed nations. The center was proposed to have three subjects only. The noticeable feature of these elections was that the religious parties were mostly neglected by the majority. Reason being that people of Pakistan did not want the Islami Nizam.

The parties who made the constitution of 1973 were not actually given the mandate to do so, rather it was their duty to perform as apposition during the constitution making. Instated they imposed a constitution which guaranteed that no law will be passed against Quran and Sunnah. This constitution gives all subjects to the center negating the original mandate given by the people of Pakistan in 1970. So the 1973 constitution also has no position in the country and the fact remains that Pakistan is running without constitution.

Double Standards of the United Nations

Taliban were ruling Kabul by force when incident of 9/11 occurred. Afghanistan had no constitution then. And it became a safe den for terrorists from all over the world. Rulers at Islamabad were also forcibly imposed who trained and offered shelter to Taliban at that time. United Nations forces came to help Kabul to get freedom from the clutches of terrorists. They also extended help to make a consensus constitution for Afghanistan to become a civilized country. On the contrary the United Nations are declaring the usurpers of Pakistan as their best friends. Instead of reliving the people of Pakistan from the clutches of Punjab +Army and helping in making a constitution United Nations organization is showing the world that the main brain is a friend and its child is a foe.

What to do

In this scenario Seraiki National Party Believes that under the existing state structure and so called 1973 constitution the oppressed nations, Seraiki, Sindhi, Baloch and Pushtoon would be continuously deprived of their rights. Although these nations comprise 80% of the total population and they hold 90% of the area in Pakistan.

For the protection of national rights the restructuring of Pakistan under the light of 1940 resolution of Pakistan should be done. And for that matter with equal participation of 5 federating units namely Seraikistan, Balochistan, Sindh, Pakhtoon khwa and Punjab elections of a constituent assembly should be held. These elections should be held under the control of United Nations as held in Afghanistan. The control of United Nations regarding elections is necessary because Punjab +Army Ruling Clique can never allow a free and fare elections due to their vested interest.

Abdul Majeed Kanjoo
Seraiki National Party
Central Secretary Information
Pakistan Oppressed nations Movement

Mohallah Kanjwan
Rahim Yar Khan
Ph: 0731-72258

Islamabad, 16 August 2004
