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Protest the Philippine state visit of George W. Bush Jr.

17. October 2003

Saturday, the 18th of October 2003, Amsterdam

George W. Bush Jr.,
the number one terrorist in the world

to annoint

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo,
his most trusted lap-dog in the Philippine neocolonial state, a …‘major non-NATO ally.”

On Saturday, the 18th of October 2003
from 12.00 noon to 13.00 hours ,
in front of the monument of the Second World War,
in Amsterdam (opposite Dam Square).

An hour of SOLIDARITY is an additional push for a Just, Lasting & Liberating PEACE
and the WORLD over.

For more information, please get in touch with:
tel: 020-421.45.21

No. 1 Terrorist Meets No. 1 Puppet in Asia

When US Vice-President Papa Bush came to the Philippines two decades ago, his famous words to the US puppet and dictator Marcos (who ordered the arrest, torture and murder of thousands of his Filipino countrymen) were: “We love your adherence to the democratic processes.” When Bush Junior visits the Philippines on 18 October, it would not surprise anybody if he cajoled the US puppet and sycophant, Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo with these words: “We love your adherence to US policies.”

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo´s puppetry to the number one terrorist and plundering imperialist power knows no bounds. On the occasion of the Bush visit, Macapagal-Arroyo has ordered a ban on and the brutal dispersal of any protest action against Bush. She has even ordered the demolition of urban poor communities along the road where the Bush entourage will pass causing thousands of people to lose their homes.

Not even the much-hated Marcos stooped so low as to ask for US troops to help the Philippine government armed forces fight the Filipino and Moro revolutionary movements. The regime is also laying the ground for the return of the US military bases which were kicked out by the Filipino people in 1991. In return, it is begging the US for more economic and military aid.

The Philippine economy is in shambles due to the regime´s subservience to the neoliberal policy dictates of such imperialist instruments as the IMF, World Bank and WTO. The contradictions among factions of the local ruling classes have intensified due to the narrowed possibilities of accommodation resulting from the reduction of the spoils to be divided. The masses are restive and are putting up resistance to the onslaught on their livelihood and on their democratic rights. There is an active revolutionary movement and a potent movement for national self-determination challenging the regime.

The International League of Peoples´ Struggle strongly supports the progressive organizations in the Philippines in greeting the representative of the number one terrorist power and plunderer of the world´s wealth and resources with militant mass protest actions. We call on the people of Asia and Oceania to likewise meet George Bush with protest actions in all the countries that he will visit in his trip to Asia and Australia. We must make our position clear. The people of the world oppose his hypocritical “war on terror” as a mere pretext to launch wars of aggression and plunder. The people of the world oppose the neoliberal policies that have wrought havoc on the economies of the client countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America and attacked the jobs, social benefits and democratic rights of the working people in the industrialized countries.

No to imperialist plunder and war!
Advance the struggle for national and social liberation!
Long live international solidarity!

ILPS General Secretariat
16 October 2003

Postbus 1452, NL-3500 BL, Utrecht, Netherlands
Tel: +31-30-2400551 Fax: +31-30-2322989

