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Ireland still under the yoke of British imperialism

Message to Assisi 04 by the 32 County Sovereignty Movement and the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association

23. July 2004

The 32 County Sovereignty Movement and the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association wish to extend revolutionary greetings to all our comrades in their struggle against imperialism in all it`s forms.

While we in Ireland are still under the yoke of British Imperialism, we are aware that the sun is setting on their empire and a new more malignant imperial power is in the ascendancy. We reject America`s continued interference in the affairs of All Sovereign Nations. We in the 32CSM remain committed to the defence of Irish National Sovereignty and the right of the Irish people to national self determination free from external impediment or aggression. This camp will give all TRUE freedom loving peoples the opportunity to discuss and debate issues of mutual interest and concern and to draw inspiration, courage and support from each other on our journey towards our goals of national liberation and a better future for all.

Beir Bua
