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News from Bulgaria

12. July 2002

short report about the social situation in an IMF-WB-US-EU colony

We are so very poor already we cannot travel to the neighbouring town… Even the city transport tickets turn into a problem for us: a two way ticket has the price of a loaf of bread, and a loaf of bread means two days life!…
At the moment we are in a shock from the last raise of the electricity price with 31 % since July 1.They are successfully kicking us into the Middle Ages in the standard of life. Will they stop when we reach the caves? (It is useless to worry about that – we won`t be long alive.)
These are only some details from our everyday life in the IMF-WB-US-EU colony Bulgaria. But it is useful information for you because what is going here will be done after some time in Europe too. I saw pictures from the strike in Italy against the new Labour law on Euronews. Such Labour law was voted a couple of years ago in the “Bulgarian” – I mean, the US-IMF-WB-EU Parliament here. What they do to us, they do to you too – and everywhere. Fight the privatisation of power plants, railways, water, health care institutions! Privatisation means unbearable prices – agony and death for the ordinary people together with the murder of electricity, water, railway, health care systems! Fight the Privatisation! It turns free people into slaves!
