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“Any fair cause is an act of terror”

3. September 2002

Political Statement of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Every act the United States of America does in this universe, depends on a Specific motto: “Fighting Terrorism”. At first blush, the motto looks very beautiful, human and leads directly to another beautiful title “forgiveness and justice in the international and human relations”. But, the fact as we all know, that what the United States aim from raising this motto is completely different, and far from its human meanings, because the USA is the first country who practiced and still practices all shapes and hinds of terror.

Starting from native Americans extermination, slavery trade, discrimination against blacks, Latin America`s suppression, Vietnam and Chinese India wars, Allende`s assassination in Chile, the siege against Cuba, the aggression against Libya, destroying Iraq, and finally supporting the new Nazism State “Israel” by covering its war crimes against humanity, and that when Mr. George W. Bush calls the “Israeli” war criminal Ariel Sharon “a man of peace”.

The meaning of terrorism in the USA political dictionary is very clear and needs no explanations:
– It is any word or even feeling against this ugly policy.
– It is any act that refuses to bow to the USA policies and its inhumane laws and that means any fair cause is an act of terror.
– Any attempt to defend honour is an act of terror.
– Any act to protect your own culture and refusing the USA culture (if there is any) is an act of terror.
– Any attempt to defend the daily bread is an act of terror.
– Any call for fair peace and any call for national unity is terror, rather, any call for freedom, human life, bread, water and medicine is an act of terror.

What makes the picture more dark, even very ugly and black, is that the USA´s definition of terrorism became an international one, and any political or social group, human being or activist opposing the White House´s definition became a terrorist also “internationally”.

From this ugly and forged motto, the latest European decision has emerged by bowing to the USA order and then considering the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and other Palestinian national liberation movements as terrorist groups.

We in the P.F.L.P consider the latest European decision an act of terror.

For this, the struggle against this decision should not be an act of solidarity; rather, it is a moral issue and should be part of an international struggle. Against the new colonialism, which is represented by the USA in different areas in the world, and by attempts to make Europe a follower to the USA policies, which will lead to disasters and unstable international relations.

For that, we call upon all political parties in Europe to stand and condemn this decision (adding the P.F.L.P to the American and European list of terror) and to put this issue on their daily struggle agenda. Moreover, the struggle against the latest European decision should be part of the anti-globalisation struggle, and for that too, we call every single European to unite in the struggle against this new American and European terror, which will lead in the near future, if we, the progressive individuals and groups do not stand united, to include any anti-globalisation group and activist, any voice condemning the USA policies, any attempt to protect national sovereignty or even personal freedom and freedom of thought and speech, to what has been called “list of terror”.

Finally, as a reply to the latest European Union decision, we declare that P.F.L.P is not concerned about it for we consider ourselves a national liberating movement, rather than a “terrorist group” and part of the international struggle for a better world. A world of human dignity, justice and peace. At the same time, we call the European Union to put their own list of terror, and include USA for its crimes against humanity in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas in the world. Moreover “Israel” should be on the same list of terror for its crimes against humanity too, and there is no need to mention the evidences of “Israel´s” crimes against humanity in Palestine and its continuous refusal to respect any European and international resolutions and decisions.

However, we declare that our struggle will continue, hand by hand with every single freedom and anti-globalisation activist, with every group and progressive party all over the world to achieve the return of more than 5 million Palestinians in refugee camps and exiles to their homeland, and to achieve our goal by building a Secular and Democratic State in historic Palestine, a state for all its citizens where no place for religious, national, cultural and ethnic discrimination.

Long Live our Martyrs
Long Live our Hostages in “Israel`s” Concentration Camps
Long Live Palestine
Long Live Freedom Lovers All Over the World

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Foreign Affairs Branch
