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Anti-imperialist pole against the aggression on Iraq

25. October 2002

Int`l mobilisation for Florence on Nov 9

For November 9 an international demonstration against the war on Iraq has been scheduled for Florence, Italy. The mobilisation has been called by the European Social Forum as well as several anti-imperialist forces. Unity in action has been possible on the base of the political agreement that the aggression against Iraq is being opposed even if some kind of UN resolution should legitimise it.

However, a coalition of anti-imperialist forces which is just being constituted will close the demonstration in a separate rally calling not only against the war and for the lifting of the embargo but also to openly take the side of Iraq. A defeat of the US and its allies is the main condition of progress for the popular masses of the region as well as for those in the Western countries. Furthermore we demand the end to the black list of the EU persecuting the liberation organisations. Like in Brussels on October 26, in Florence the main anti-imperialist liberation movements being including on the list of “terrorist organisation” have announced their participation.

At the same time we are denouncing the threats of the Berlusconi government to close down the conference and to ban the demonstration under the guise of the “struggle against terror”. We call upon the democratic and anti-imperialist forces of the world to defend the democratic right of free expression for the anti-globalisation forces and especially the anti-imperialist ones being the main target.
