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Down with the `war on terror`!

21. October 2002

RCWP-RPC to support Brussels` protest against EU`s black list, recalling political prisoners in Russia

The Russian Communist Workers` Party – Revolutionary Party of Communists (RCWP-RPC) entirely supports the international protest against the EU Black List. We consider this shameful document as an arrogant attempt to abuse the campaign against criminal murderers for the opposite — a campaign against organisations and movements, seeking for their legitimate rights of self-determination and independence (as the PLFP or the PKK). There is no doubts, that if the glorious thinkers of Enlightenment, who inspired the ideals of democracy and freedom, would be absolutely disgusted, if they only could see this terrible degeneration of democracy into a system of oppression and exploitation, that is now practiced under the cover and on behalf of democracy. So we add our voice to those, who are now standing up to defend the rights of the Palestinian or Kurdish people to conquer their self-determination and, if they wish, to establish their own national states as well as the rights of Bask, Sard, Irish and other people to seek for their rights by all legitimate methods including the military ones, if the rest prove to be useless.

Joining the protest, we regard it not just as a particular matter, but a resistance against the global tendency to do away first with the welfare state and then with the basic democratic freedoms, won by many generations of fighters inspired by the best and most human ideals.

And since the process of eliminating democracy is global, we join the protest in Russia, though it is not an EU member-country, because we regard our duty to resist it everywhere. Another reason is that now the radical left opposition in Russia is facing more and more repressions, of which the World Public Opinion does not know yet.

The prelude to these repressions happened yet in 1993, when the Yieltsin regime, been incapable to dissolve the Russian legislature — the Supreme Soviet by means of the referendum (April 1993), first attacked the Mayday demonstrators in Moscow, then on the 20th of September dissolved the Supreme Soviet by an illegal presidential decree in violation of the acting constitution, and, after all, on the 4th of October bombarded the Supreme Soviet and killed thousands of its defenders. The Western democracies, who are so willing to expose themselves as patterns of democracy, turned a blind eye on this crime and, even more, supported Yieltsin openly since it was committed for the sake of liberal values.

Since 1999 the Russian FSB (Federal Security Service) arrested Andrey Sokolov, Nadezhda Raks, Larisa Romanova, Tatiana Nekhorosheva, Alexander Biryukov, Nikolai Shalimov and some other young political fighters, trying to disguise the political motives behind the arrests under the cover of criminal charges such as illegal possession of arms. The judicial reliability of these charges may be exemplified by the attempt to accuse three young girls: Nadezhda Raks, Larisa Romanova and Tatiana Nekhorosheva — in an attempt to blow up the FSB office in Moscow. The accusation turned out to be so “reliable”, that these three girls are kept in prison for more than two years without trial, because the authorities spent no efforts all the time to make these girls self-slander themselves as there are no other serious evidences against them. And again the notorious World Community and the EU, who are usually so particular about the Chechen terrorists or the freedom of speech for openly pro-American NTV, turns a blind eye on these repressions.

As the result the pro-fascist tendencies in the Russian political life are growing. And the latest evidence of it was the brutal police attack on the youth radical left and communist demonstrators during their “Anti-capitalism 2002” manifestation in the centre of Moscow on the 15th of September. As the result of the attack hundreds of young people were heavily beaten and hurt with about 100 detained. There are many evidences of absolutely illegal behaviour of the riot police, that exercised the attack, but it is hardly possible to expect a just and evenhanded court treatment of the affair.

Those, who are sitting in governments and in the offices of transnationals, have very well understood, that last year`s September the 11th is a nice pretext to deprive their people and other nations of democracy as they have previously deprived them of many social benefits under the pretext of liberalism and globalisation. There are many other people, who believe this lies under the impact of mass media. And we have to repeat again and again, that if they really want to get rid of terrorists, they should first stop supporting any scoundrels whom they find useful for their political ends of dominance and oppression (such as Pinochet in Chile against Allende in 1973, Bin Laden in Afghanistan in the 80ies against the USSR, Yieltsin against the communist opposition in 1993 or Putin now), and then they should give allowance to the just struggles for national liberation, independence and human living standards in any case whether it is against their ends or not.

For this reason the US so-called “war against terrorism” is a tremendous beguile, because it is used not against the criminals, but against their victims. Pretending to defend democracy, they are reducing it to a minimum standard, in which it cannot hinder them to increase their domination, oppression and exploitation in their own countries and throughout the whole World.

That`s why we do say our “No” to this war, our “No” to the black list and other eliminations of democracy. They cannot beguile everybody. Their beguile will not last long. And counter to those, who constantly restrict democracy, turning it into the instrument of dominance, oppression and exploitation, we shall not give it up, because the democracy must be just the opposite — the means to change our life for the better, to win better living standards and just labour laws, the support for the oppressed and exploited to achieve their goals and to establish real social equality and political rights not only for the rich, but for all these, who create all this wealth with their labour, sweat and blood.

– Down with the EU black list!

– Stop pulling our leg with the “war against terrorism”!

– Freedom to political prisoners in Russia and throughout the whole World!

– Long live to the struggles for true democracy, national self-determination and social welfare!

– Long live to the international solidarity against the elimination of democracy, oppression, domination and exploitation!

19 October 2002
