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Common protest rally of solidarity delegations in Iraq in front of the UN-Headquarters

2. January 2003

Petition handed out: No war, no sanctions!

About two hundred participants form international solidarity delegations gathered today in front of the UN-Headquarters in Baghdad in order to protest against the coming war and against the sanctions against Iraq. The protest rally, with big resonance in the media, called upon the UNO not to provide any pretext to the US to unleash their war of aggression.
The protest meeting was organized by the “Spanish State Campaign for Lifting the Sanctions on Iraq” and the “Solidarity Delegation of the Anti-Imperialist Camp” with participants from Italy, Germany, Austria, Turkey, Palestine, Belgium, England, Switzerland and Sardinia.
The following petition was handed out to representatives of the UN-mission, who however were not ready to receive the representatives of the delegations.

No war, no sanctions!

* Considering the real and imminent threat of war against Iraq, in itself an outcome of US aggressive policies and Bush s doctrine of preemptive, global and permanent war,

* Considering Iraq is not a menace to any country and that no evidence has been provided to support the contrary,

* Considering that this war only serves US imperialist and neo colonial interests:

We declare that US reports on alleged possession of arms of “mass destruction” by Iraq are totally unacceptable, mainly because they come from the very same country that is the world s leading producer, exporter and user of the aforementioned arms.

We deeply regret the tragic effects of the twelve year long embargo on Iraq, which has resulted in more than one million and a half Iraqis dead, and enormous suffering and decline of living conditions for the whole country.

Today, on January 2, 2003, the undersigned international delegations come to demonstrate in front of the UN main office in Iraq to demand:

* to totally oppose the war preparations led by the UN and Great Britain
* not to offer any legal and political support to this aggression aimed at the occupation of Iraq which is defying international law.
* to take any necessary steps to immediately end the sanctions, which constitute an undeclared genocidal war against Iraq.

Stop the war before it starts!
Lift the sanctions now!

Spanish State Campaign for Lifting the Sanctions on Iraq (5th delegation to Iraq)
Solidarity delegation to Iraq of the Anti-imperialist Camp

Baghdad, January 2, 2003à¾à¾
