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Peruvian left on the streets in support of Iraq

2. February 2003

Anti-imperialist Co-ordination against the War formed

On January 30 several hundred protesters marched through down town Lima condemning the US war drive against Iraq. The newly formed “Anti-imperialist Co-ordination against the War” consisting of Movimiento Nueva Izquierda, Juventud Popular, PST, Unià³n Obrera Socialista, PRT, Unios, Comite Malpica, Alfa y Omega and Raà­z directed its mobilisations also against the regime of Toledo and the bourgeois opposition who both subserviently support the US in their aggression. The attempt of the government to use the “anti-terrorist war” to impose a new constitution providing the legal framework for the ongoing suppression of the popular struggles has been denounced equally.

The final rally was closed with the slogan “all together on the side of Iraq” while speakers affirmed the support for all forces defending themselves against imperialism like the Palestinian people, the Bolivarian movement in Venezuela, the popular forces in Colombia as well as Cuba, North Korea and Iran.
