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Hands off the Anti-imperialist Camp

17. October 2003

For some months the Anti-imperialist Camp has been subjected to a vicious campaign of slandering and lynching by forces linked to the US and to Israel but often disguised as to be progressive. For denouncing the Black List of Bush, for the open defence of national liberation movements, for the support granted to the resistance of the Iraqi people against the Anglo-American occupation the Anti-imperialist Camp is branded as a terrorist organisation.

For its intransigent defence of the Palestinian people the pro-Zionist press in Germany, Austria and Hungary accuses our comrades to be anti-Semites. The latest lie comes from Italy where the Anti-imperialist Camp is about to big birth to a large movement against the American Empire. They are accused for the unthinkable collusion with fascism.

All these attacks have one goal: annihilate the Anti-imperialist Camp, one of the few forces in the heart of the imperialist West which not only defends the legitimate struggles of the oppressed peoples, but also courageously denounces the racist and neo-colonialist policy advanced by both the right as well as the left wing governments.

We denounce these attacks as functional for the persecution and repression by the imperialist powers and we express our full solidarity with the Anti-imperialist Camp. Every attack against one of us is an attack on all of us.

PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine)
BAYAN International (Europe)
Sufi Khaliq Balooch, Chaiman, Communist Workers Peasants Party, Pakistan (CMKP)
Dr. Hisham Bustani, Socialist Thought Forum, Jordan
Gerhard Drexler, member of KPÖ opposition, Austria
Heninng v. Stoltzenberg, Anti.fascist Commitee, Duisburg, Germany
Thomas Zmrzly, Initiative for democracy and culture from below, Duisburg, Germany
Franz Pöschl, Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands/Marxisten-Leninisten (Roter Stern), Germany
Ana Marà­a Vera Smith, Ana Cecilia Lazcano, Oralba Castello Nájera, Raquel Gutià©rrez, Colectivo Libertad, Mà©xico
Ahmed Karim, Kurdish Iraqi, leader of the Patriotic current of the Iraqi Communist Party, leading member of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
Awni Al Kalemji, Spokesman of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
Peter Szekely, President of the Left Front, Hungary
Elena Borisova, Anti-globalist Resistance, Russia
Roso Oswaldo Zapata, Venezuela
Aufstand Newgroup, Germany-Austria
Clajadep, Latin America
Front Uni pour le dà©veloppement et la paix (Fudp), Tchad
Blagovesta DONCHEVA, Sofia, Bulgaria
Abdallah Elharif, secrà©taire national, Annahj Addimocrati, Morocco
Dr Djimadoum LEY-NGARDIGAL, ACTUS (Action du Tchad pour l`Unità© et le Socialisme), Secrà©taire Gà©nà©ral
Abdelaziz MESSAOUDI, militant of the radical left and for human right, Morocco
Witold Fischer, Deutscher Freidenker Verband, Ortsgruppe Jena
RKL-T, Revolutionary Communist League – Thuringia, Germany
Werner Pirker, journalist, Vienna, Austria
Serguei Novikov, member of the Central Committee of the RKRP-RPK (Russian Communist Workers´ Party – Party of Revolutionary Communists)
EEK (Workers Revolutionary Party), Greece
