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Solidarity demos to free the arrested Anti-imperialists

5. April 2004

Mexico; Perugia, Italy; Vienna, Austria

Sit-in in front of the Italian Embassy in Mexico

On April 5 some 75 people gathered in av. Las Palmas #1994 col. Lomas de Chapultepec to protest against the arrest of the anti-imperialists in Europe and especially in Italy. They chanted following slogans:

The criminalization of the resistance against the war will only create more resistance! Freedom for the political prisoners! No to isolation confinement! Down with the war!

The protest was supported by following groups:

Colectivo Libertad, Izquierda Democrática Popular, colectivos otomà­es de San Pablo Autopan, Red de Defensa de la Humanidad, seccià³n 22 del SNTE, Comità© Cerezo DF, Puebla y Guadalajara; Jà³venes en Resistencia Alternativa, Colectivo Polà­tico La gota de Chihuahua, Chih.; doctor Gilberto Là³pez y Rivas, general Josà© Francisco Gallardo, Luis Fong, colectivos ñahñúes de la sierra de Hidalgo

Perugia, Italy

For Saturday, April 10, a demonstration to free the arrested anti-imperialists has been scheduled in Perugia, Italy, by the CAnti-imperialist Camp. Perugia was the centre of the anti-democratic police operation of April 1.

Vienna, Austria

For Thursday, April 8, a demonstration has been call for by the Anti-imperialist Camp and the DHKC International supported by a wide range of organisations and personalities in Vienna, Austria. It is scheduled to start at 5pm at the Italian embassy and will close in front of the Turkish embassy.

Report on the demonstration:

On April 8 about 60 people demonstrated in front of the Italian embassy in Vienna for the liberation of the Turkish and Italian anti-imperialists, who were arrested on the 1st of April in Perugia.

They asked for the right to free speech. The criminalisation of those who always expressed their solidarity with the Iraqi resistance should not pass. The solidarity with the Turkish anti-fascist movement is not an act of terrorism.

Speakers condemned the anti-democratic move of the European Union and expressed once again their solidarity with the Iraqi resistance. They pointed out the special significance of the solidarity in times of mass uprising which is going on in Iraq today.

The rally followed on to the Turkish embassy, where the same days a lot of Turkish activists where arrested.

We call upon the anti-imperialist world movement to take similar action.
