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The real blackmail is the one of the Berlusconi govt!

28. April 2004

Call of the Anti-imperialist Camp Italy to bring down the govt

The real blackmail is the one of the Berlusconi government!
The real terrorism is the imperialist one!

Let us all demonstrate for peace and in solidarity with the Iraqi people

In their last statement the Iraqi militants holding the Italian hostages Salvatore Stefio, Umberto Cupertino and Maurizio Agliana

– considering that the Berlusconi government is completely submitted to Bush and has neither decisional authority nor autonomy;

– denouncing that it “has taken no initiative to try to release the hostages”

appeal directly to the Italian people to dissent openly from the government policy and to show a concrete act of solidarity with the liberation struggle of the Iraqi people “and of all free men in the world” for the immediate withdrawal of the Italian occupation troops.

This clear political position has been irresponsibly branded by the rickety bi-polar front as an “unacceptable blackmail” and a “base provocation of a band of vulgar terrorists”. These petty politicians, who like calling themselves antifascists, forget that also the Italian resistance has had to capture some enemies to exchange them with imprisoned partisans. The attitude of this restored and hypocrite “front of firmness” is of an extraordinary political and moral seriousness:

– it shows their contempt for the will of the Italian people who has in several occasion displayed its desire for peace,

– it sounds like a cynical death sentence on the prisoners,

– it tramples brutally on the feelings of the hostages´ families.

The only blackmail we are faced with is actually the one of our domestic “front of firmness”. Their impudent deafness in front of the legitimate struggle of the Iraqi people (which seems to be borrowed from the hysteric proclamations of the emperor G.W. Bush) is a revolver pointed at the temple of the peace movement which for a long time has been opposed to the imperialist war.

It is urgent to repel the psychological terrorism of the bi-polar regime subservient to the North American dictate. We need to intensify our struggle for the withdrawal of the Italian soldiers and the end of the bloody occupation of Iraq.

Given the incredible servility of the government it is now the turn of the Italian citizens to speak out. Faced with the choice between peace and war, between the life of the captured Italians and that of the Berlusconi government, they will not hesitate to make the right thing.

If peace is better than war, the cause of the Iraqi people is a thousand times more precious than the fate of this government which keeps itself in power by means of a police state. It systematically represses dissent and censors the media.

We will participate in all of the demonstration against the war starting with the one of April 29 in Rome called for by the families of the prisoners. It´s humanitarian aims can and must be combined not only with the strive for peace but also with the solidarity to the Iraqi resistance which is defending the inalienable rights of the tortured people of Iraq.

Imperialist troops out of Iraq!
Solidarity with the Iraqi resistance!
Self-determination and liberty for all the oppressed people!

Anti-imperialist Camp Italy
April 27
