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Free the Basque journalist Iñaki Uria jailed in violation of the freedom of press

30. July 2004

Press Release from the Asociacià³n Diáspora Vasca inviting you to show solidarity and sign a petition to demand the release of Inaki Uria -he is a member of the proscribed Basque newspaper Euskaldunon Egunkaria-who today is a prisoner of the Spanish State.

Solidarity With Basque Journalist Inaki Uria, Jailed Due to the Process Against the Newspaper “Egunkaria”

The Spanish State, that maintains the southern part of Euskal Herria (Basque Country) under occupation, attacks systematically and seeks to destroy the columns on which the land of our ancestors is built. Within this frame, on February 20th of 2003 the Government of then Spanish Prime Minister Josà© Marà­a Aznar (infamous around the world for his questionable actions after the attacks of M-11 in Madrid) ordered the closing of the news paper Euskaldunon Egunkaria, the only one in the world published entirely in Euskera, the Basque language. It was not the first time something like this would happen: the newspaper Egin, the radio station Egin Irratia and the magazine Ardi Beltza, media outlets of nationalist tendencies, had been targets of similar attacks by the neo-Fascist Spanish State. Within the frame of the political, judicial and law enforcement operation against Egunkaria, many of the people in charge of the publication were detained and held incommunicado, enduring torture from the hands of the Guardia Civil. What Martxelo Otamendi told the public after his release on bail was heart wrenching.

He was physically and emotionally abused, with absolute impunity. That is the way the Spanish State and its alleged democracy behave with those who defend, with their work, the right of the Basque women and men to access balanced information of unmatched quality in Euskera.

Today, one of the assessors of that news paper, Inaki Uria, remains in jail. He is one of the many political prisoners that are behind bars in a state that has been denounced on the international arena for mistreating and harassing the Basque prisoners. His one and only crime was to work towards the freedom of speech of those Basque women and men that every morning wished to read the news of their country and the whole world, and do so in their own ancient language.

The Spanish Audiencia Nacional, heir to the infamous Francoist Tribunal de Orden Publico, has imposed a bail of 600,000 euros on Uria as a pre-condition for him to secure his freedom. Later the amount was reduced to 450,000 euros, a steep amount that makes it impossible for his loved ones to raise it any time soon.

The Asociacion Disapora Vasca, nationalist group integrated by over 300 people with presence in 20 countries, wishes to inform that we support the campaign of signatures initiated by the group “Inaki Uria Askatu” (Free Inaki Uria), to demand his freedom. We invite you to access the web page and add your signature as to tell the Spanish Government that our political prisoners are recipients of our support and our solidarity not only from the Basque women and men in Euskal Herria but also from the one in the Diaspora, and also from those women and men that defend the freedom of speech throughout the world.

Due to the fact that the page is written entirely in Euskera, we provide this information:

Izen-abizenak: Name and Last Name.
E-posta: E Mail.
Nortasun Agiria: ID Card Number.
Kargua/lanbidea: Occupation.

Once the fields have been filled, you can click on “bidali” (send).

We want to thank you in advance for your support.

Iñaki askatu orain!
Free Iñaki Now!

Asociacià³n Diáspora Vasca

Germany, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Castile, Catalunya, Colombia, Chile, Denmark, Ecuador, Spanish State, French State, United Kingdom, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Sweeden, Switzerland, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela.
