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US Freedom Socialists to support Iraqi resistance

22. September 2004

Participation in int´l day of action Sept 25

The Freedom Socialist Party has initiated a number of activities in solidarity with the September 25 international day of solidarity with the Iraqi resistance. We hope to show and to stimulate opposition in this country to our government`s occupation and abuse of people in the Middle East.

In New York City, the FSP will work with Radical Women which is hosting a forum “In Solidarity with the Women of Iraq.” It will be held at Freedom Hall in Harlem on September 22. They advertise: The brutal U.S.-led occupation of Iraq has dealt its sharpest blows against the women and children of the country. In support of an international call to make September 25–the anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada–a day of action in defense of the Iraqi resistance, you`re invited to learn more about the impact of U.S. aggression on Iraqi women and their role in the resistance.

In Seattle, the FSP branch is holding a “Movie Night in Solidarity with the People of Iraq” in their headquarters. They will show and discuss the documentary “War Feels Like War” on the 25th. The film documents journalists from five nations who were not “embedded” with the U.S. military. Following invading forces into Iraq, they witnessed chaos in the streets of Baghdad, civilian deaths and widespread opposition to foreign domination.

In San Francisco, comrades are hosting a video showing and discussion on the Iraqi resistance at New Valencia Hall. Their feature is the controversial documentary “Uncovered: the Truth Behind the War in Iraq.”

In Portland, Oregon, the FSP branch will include a discussion of the Iraqi resistance in a meeting at the Bread and Roses Center. They will feature a report on the FSP pamphlet “Hearts, Minds and the Iraqi Resistance.”

In Los Angeles, comrades will phone in to popular radio talk shows to raise discussion of the U.S. occupation and Iraqi resistance on the 25th.

We are pleased to participate in the day of resistance and wish you all

In Solidarity,
Henry Noble
National Secretary, U.S. Section
