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Preparatory meeting for a int`l conference in support of the Iraqi Resistance

12. February 2005

Participants and Endorsers

Confirmed participants Frankfurt

Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
Iraqi Communist Party (Cadre)
Free Iraq Committee Germany
Free Iraq Committee Italy
Danish Committee for a Free Iraq
Free Iraq Committee Norway
Free Iraq Committee Austria
Free Iraq Committee Hungary
Greek Initiative for Solidarity to Iraqi Resistance
International League of People´s Struggle (ILPS)
Anti-imperialist Camp
OSPAAAL Solidaridad Spain
First Int´l Conference for the support of the Resistance of the Iraqi People France
Marxist Leninist Communist Party Turkey (MLKP)

Supporters of a Conference for the Iraqi Resistance

Al Kifah People´s Struggle Movement Iraq
Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA)
Afghanistan Socialist Association (ASA)
32 County Sovereignty Movement Ireland
Freedom Socialist Party USA
Bulgarian National Peace Council
Brazilian Solidarity Committee with Iraq Curitiba
Anti-globalist Resistance Russia
Özgür Der, Turkey
Campaign against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq Spanish State CEOSI Spain
