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Austrian opposition to US occupation sends medical aid to Iraq

17. February 2005

Financed by campaign “Ten Euros for the resistance”

About two tons of medicine are going to be sent to the Iraqi province of al-Anbar, a well-known focus of resistance against the foreign rule, and repeated massacres perpetrated by the occupying forces. Last autumn, the city of Falluja was razed to the ground, as a punishment for the struggle of her inhabitants for self-determination. Tens of thousands of civilians were killed by cluster bombs, napalm and chemical agents, all weapons of mass destruction in breach of international law.

Before the massacre, the occupying forces destroyed all hospitals and medical infrastructure, killing the greater part of medical personnel. Still today large parts of the city are cordoned off and the population is cut of from vital infrastructure. The popular resistance urgently needs humanitarian aid, which is denied by the occupants.

The medicines themselves were provided by the Iraqi community in Austria, while the air-lift is financed from the funds of the 10-Euro campaign. The value of the medicines is more than 100,000 …€, shipping is 1,870 …€. This aid will be distributed to everyone who is in need by generally accepted representatives of the people who are completely independent from both the occupiers as well as their local puppets.

The campaign “Ten Euros for the Iraqi resistance” had been initiated by the Anti-Imperialist Camp. Even in Austria, about 200 people opposing the occupation came out in public with donations and their names. They defended the elementary democratic right to resist against an occupation.

The Anti-Imperialist Camp renews the call for aid to the Iraqi people. Their resistance is legitimate and is continuing, regardless the farcical elections.
