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Anti-globalists protested against Bush visit to Moscow

14. May 2005

As President Bush arrived in Moscow on May 8, the antiglobalist resistance placed a banner with the slogan `Bush, go away` on the bridge near the USA embassy. The banner was soon taken away by police, as its activity was extraordinary during the celebration of the Victory Day.


An anonymous communist participants:

In general the meeting was very sad, as I could watch a set of opportunists and reformists from the CPRF, who controlled the meeting. Today people were very much infuriated as they were allowed to hold only a meeting instead of the traditional rally because of the heads of states, who came to Moscow to celebrate the Great Victory. When about 20 thousand people came to the square, they revealed themselves surrounded by about the same amount of riot police and internal troops. It looked as if they were surrounded and captivated in their own land on that remarkable Day. The only way to the city center — the Tverskaya street — was blocked by riot police and heavy cars to prevent any penetration to the center, that was closed to please the George Bush and other so-called “guests”. And over all the loud voices of the pygmies from the CPRF, who appealed to the glory of the heroes to justify their bastard referendum, that they propose as a medicine to prevent revolution.
