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“While they gave us electic shocks, my baby dauther died from starvation”

28. August 2005

Bagram prisoner to testify about torture in US jail

I am a student of Kandahar university and study Islamic law and social studies. We appreciate your struggle and specially your support for Iraq and Muslim community. Also I read that you organize a international conference for Iraq resistance support in Rome in October and there will be Abu Gharib prisoners also speak. It is good. I am one of the victim of imperialism in Afghanistan. In October 2004 there were big demonstration against local government and American in Kandahar, we join it and many student participated. The police killed a lot. Me a long with other people arrested by police and kept in Kandahar jail for three months. In January we were shifted to Bagram, they blame us have relation with the opposition, they tortured us brutally, they deprive us from sleep, they make us naked, they insult us and insult our religion, they give us electric shocks, but finally found nothing. They told us and threatened us not to speak about our life in jail to nobody, otherwise will kill us, will jail us again. We released in July.

When I had no contact with my family during the jail time, my family had no one to take care, my daughter 2 years old died, they had nothing to eat. I complained to human rights organization but no one pay attention. So I want to asked why I was in prison? So if possible for you please help me to attend your gathering in October as Abu Gharib prisoners, because Bagram is the same as Abu Gharib. I want to be a witness of brutality of American. I hate them and want to expose them and want to tell the world what oppression is going in Afghanistan. It will have risk but I have nothing to lose. I am ready to be killed but will speak what happened to me and my friends .

Akaram Ahmadi
