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Release them all!

31. August 2005

by Iraqi Association of the Victims of American Occupation Prisons

The Association of the Victims of American Occupation Prisons (1h1050 NGO) was founded by Haj Ali, the former mayor of Abu Ghraib and the victim of US torture depicted on the photograph with the hood and the electrodes.

in the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful
we have honoured the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of our creation. (israa` / 70)

Give them their rights……immediately!

The occupation forces in Iraq declared two days ago about releasing one thousand (1000) Iraqi detainees who were in the occupation prisons. In addition to the mentioned, we clarify the following:

1. Several statements were issued from many Iraqi governmental speakers that the Iraqi government itself asked the occupation forces to release those detainees, while the American spokesman said that he knew nothing about that and releasing those detainees was because they were not accused. Here, our association asks:

a. If the Iraqi government had a proof against the occupation forces as it claimed, so why was the delay in releasing the detainees? And why it was only a limited number?

b. If the released were not accused, and their condemnation was not proved, then who will give them back their rights of the physical and psychological damages caused by the detaining?

c. There are some who described the releasing as a bargain for the entrance of specific parties in the political process what made their releasing as a cheap inadmissible bargain by the right of the detainees that would be a scandalous violation of the human rights adds to the many violations in Iraq by the Iraq rights.

d. For the Iraqi detainees at the Iraqi security forces that our association observed their no.`s more than one thousand within 24 hours and two days before releasing the detainees! Wasn`t it better for the government to release thousands of detainees arrested by it? And to investigate about the dangerous violations that happened and still against the detainees by the militias of the parties who wear the police and the army uniform, supervised and supported by the government and the occupation forces.

e. The Iraqi security forces launch campaigns of detention particularly target the detainees released from the American occupation prisons. Will the government guarantee the safety of those released?

2. The UN secretary – general Kofi Annan declared that the detaining of the Iraqis by the American forces in Iraq is not legal. therefore, our association demands to releases all the detainees and prisoners immediately and formation of an investigative committee mission of the rehabilitation to them with the compensation for the physical and psychological damages befelled them.

3. The big favour in releasing the detainees goes to their heroic standing, the national role and honourable situations done by the Iraqi national powers that refused occupation in addition to the Iraqi civil society organizations through the exposure of the non- human actions of the occupator and who follows where the members of those Iraqi organizations and national powers are facing chase, detaining and killing by the occupation forces and followers. It`s been clear that the role taken by the Iraqi civil society organizations defending human rights away from serving the occupator and his followers, has known the way to make the heroic detainees and their voices get to all the peoples in the world and all the NGO which caused a pressure on the occupator that made him release the one thousand detainees. the one thousand detainees is only a drop in the sea of injustices in Iraq. at the same time and with the cooperating of the government, the occupation forces has started organizing the operation of transferring the detainees from their prisons to the Iraq militia`s prisons who work and serve the occupation. The detention became an attribute synonym of the Americans which caused them many scandals and embarrassments.

Here, our association demands the un and the civil society organizations to take the rights of the people who have been shown on al – iraqia satellite channel for the hurt and humiliation they and their family faced.

important note:
Justice in the grip of terrorism or terrorism in the grip of justice?

Who`s called “laith kubba”, who`s the spokesman of the occupation government declared so late in a press conference held in Baghdad in aug.28.2005 in a timing of a hopeless trial to gain the intimacy of the Iraqi people who refuses the occupation and it`s government that:

“What the Iraqi satellite channel is showing in the program – terrorism in the grip of justice – isn`t true and is almost an imagination sometimes”. He added: “the investigations with the detainees is almost a play, and that it has the shape of a sectarian in the last days because that all the detainees shown on its screen are Sunni people”.

We think that program should be named” justice in the grip of terrorism”. Now, we ask to Mr. Kubba: “What is the destiny of the three Iraqis who have been judged of execution in was it governorate after confessing by force on al – iraqia channel for crimes they didn`t commit?
