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Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2003

2. July 2003

Assisi, Italy, August 31 to September 6

Sunday, August 31

10 pm inauguration concert

Monday, September 1

10.30 am

Forum 1
The case of Professor J (Jaime Yovanovic Prieto) and the Italian responsibility
International campaign to turn down the prosecution by the Chilean military judiciary

Forum 2
The “road map” and the political military in Palestine
Meeting with the Palestinian delegation (PFLP, Abnaa el Balad, solidarity groups,……)

Forum 3
The big lie
the current situation in Kosovo Metohija and the genocide against the Serbs, by the journalist Marilina Veca

12.30 am

Press conference of the “terrorists” included in the Black List

5 am

Round table
Trial against the war criminals
Liberation movements listed by US and US as terrorists speak out (Basques, Colombians, Palestinians, Turkish, Filippinos, Lebanese, ……) presided by Willi Langthaler

10 pm, theatre

Tuesday, September 2

10.30 am

Forum 1
The Italian youth between commitment and indifference

Forum 2
Guerrilla warfare against the imperialist occupation
Jehad Hussein, an Palestinian Fedayyin recounts

Forum 3
The collapse of the German left: from anti-fascism to Americanism

12.30 am

press conference by the Iraqi Fedayyin on the resistance

5 pm

Round table
Beyond Porto Alegre
The World Social Forum and the perspectives of the movement against globalisation
with Piero Bernocchi (Italian Cobas leader), Costanzo Preve, Leonardo Mazzei, Fausto Schiavetto presided by Moreno Pasquinelli

10 pm film

Wednesday, September 3

10,30 am

Forum 1
Meeting with the leader of defence of Slobodan Milosevic, Vladimir Krsljanin

Forum 2
From Venezuela to Brazil: reform and revolution
by Mario Maestri (Brazil) and the National Movement of the Union of Independent Forces (Venezuela)

Forum 3
Cuba: blockade, socialism and democracy
by R. Rodriguez, Cuban Institute for friendship between the people (ICAP)


press conference with Awni Al Kalemji, representative of the Iraqi National resistance

5 pm
Round table
La lucha sigue: Class struggle and anti-imperialism in Latin America
By Elias Letelier (Chile), Mario Maestri (Brazil), National Movement of the Union of Independent Forces (Venezuela), M. Rodriguez (Cuba) presided by Gernot Bodner

Thursday, September 4

10.30 am

Forum 1
Revolutionary prisoners: testimonies from Turkey and Israel
by DHKP-C, PFLP, Abna el Balad,……

Forum 2
People´s war in Nepal
Nepal Anti-imperialist League

Forum 3
The fascist movement: inquiry into the radical right in Italy
by the journalist Ugo Tassinari

12.30 am

press conference on the Political Prisoners

5 pm
round table
Christianity and Islam vis-à -vis the permanent pre-emptive war
with Hamza Piccardo, leader of the Union of Italian Islamic Communities, and padre Massimiliano Mizzi of the Sacred Convent of the Franciscans of Assisi

Friday, September 5

10.30 am

Forum 1
The empire: a critical analysis of Toni Negri´s thesis
by Costanzo Preve

Forum 2
Without truce: The Basque struggle against Spanish oppression
Militants from Euskal Herria speak out

Forum 3
Intifada, Jihad and Arab nation
Meeting with the Arab delegations from Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq……

Forum 4
From occupation to liberation? What is really happening in Iraq?
by Padre Benjamin

12.30 am

Press conference: presentation of the international campaign 10 Euro for the Iraqi resistance

5 pm
Round table
Waiting for Godot
Transatlantic tensions and the future of Europe
Domenico Losurdo, Silis Samaras (secretary of the Greek KKE-ml), Willi Langthaler presided by Leonardo Mazzei

Saturday, September 6

10,30 am

Forum 1
Between persecution and integration: Islam in Italy
Carlo Corbuccci, lawyer of the Islamic communities

Forum 2
Marxist theory and Anti-imperialist struggle
La teoria marxista e la lotta antimperialista
Moreno Pasquinelli and Silis Samaras

Forum 3
Armageddon: religious fundamentalism in the US
By Miguel Martinez and Roberto Giammanco

5 pm
Round table
For a resistance movement against the American empire – what alternatives to the imperialist transformation of the Western left?
with Roberto Giammanco, Costanzo Preve, Miguel Martinez presided by Alessia Monteverdi

10 pm Closing concert of the Camp
