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International Campaigns adopted in Assisi 2003

12. September 2003

Support the Iraqi resistance: all over Europe we will collect 10 Euros per person for the incipient Iraqi National Resistance Front while we are preparing a solidarity delegation scheduled for the end of November. On December 6 a national demonstration in Rome, Italy, will take place calling to take similar action around the world.

For December 19-21, 2003, an international seminary on isolation torture, the US violation of basic human rights and the creation of subhuman humans in Guantanamo as well as on the “black list of terrorist organisations” will take place in Florence, Italy. Speakers from Palestine, Turkey, the Philippines, the Basque Country, Ireland, Yugoslavia will address the meeting.

The Anti-imperialist Camp will endorse, support and promote the “Mumbai Resistance 2004 Against Imperialist Globalisation and War” scheduled for January 16-21, 2004 in India in parallel to the World Social Forum. The conference which will be organised by a large alliance of revolutionary anti-imperialist forces from India and the sub-continent want to dialog with the WSF but insists that the struggle against capitalist globalisation must pass by the battle against imperialism including the armed resistance like in Palestine, Iraq and also India.

The Brazilian revolutionary left a preparing a complete break with the Worker´s Party (PT) of Lula which recently came to power to implement the liberal recipes imposed by the IMF, WTO and WB. For February they are preparing an Latin American Anti-imperialist Camp which we are supporting.

Finally the necessity of the popular tribunal on the “black list of terrorist organisations” was stated. The pre-emptive and permanent war of the US does not only express itself in the aggression against states opposing the imperialist dictates but also in the persecution of the revolutionary liberation movements all around the world. We have still to accumulate forces to be able to conduct that tribunal.
