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Inquiry on Porto Alegre

1. August 2002

Evo Morales to send delegate from Bolivia

The World Social Forum of Porto Alegre was a decisive turning point for the anti-globalisation movement. Taking place under the impression of the attacks of September 11, the subsequent imperialist onslaught against Afghanistan and the US´s declaration of permanent war against any opposition, the dominant forces around ATTAC and the Brazilian PT openly showed to eventually be on the side of imperialism by expelling anti-imperialist and revolutionary forces namely FARC, Basque delegates and in generally declaring armed movements including even the Zapatists as unwanted.

As a reaction the forces gathered in the Anti-imperialist Camp called for the formation of an anti-imperialist pole within the anti-globalisation movement in order to demarcate ourselves from those playing the game of the enemy. Many organisations throughout the world endorsed this attempt including the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo from Argentine (who announced at once their presence but eventually are not able to participate).

Representatives from many Latin American countries will be present including
* Wilbert Villca Là³pez, Leader of the Cocaleros, Secretary of the Movement for Socialism and personal envoy of Evo Morales, Bolivia
* Professor J Peirero, Clajadep, Brazi (see contribution “The World Social Forum, 5th column of capital,
* Daniel Straga, Correpi, advocate, Argentine
Sunday, August 4, 2002

10.00 Plenary Session:
Inquiry on Porto Alegre
Anti-globalisation and the World Social Forum: left liberalism vs. anti-imperialism
J. Peirero, Professor, Brasil
Moreno Pasquinelli, Spokesman of the Anti-imperialist Camp
Leonardo Mazzei, Confederation of Communists, Italy
Carlos Aznárez, Resumen Latinoamericano, author of “MST – rebels without land”

16.00 Workshops:

1. Build an anti-imperialist pole in the anti-globalisation movement – towards Saloniki 2003
Dimitrios Pavlidis, Anti-imperialist Committee Saloniki, Greece
Gheorgios Xilouris, Student movement of Athens, Greece
Stelios Agkoutoglou, Communist Party of Greece (ML)

2. Empire and Imperialism
Constanzo Preve, Professor and Philosopher, Italy

3. ATTAC, Participatory Democracy – the deceit of globalisation from below
Abderahim Cherrouqui, ATTAC Marocco
Gernot Zeiler, International Leninist Current
Daniel Straga, Correpi, Argentine

Thursday, August 8, 2002

10.00 Plenary Session:
Latin America Vietnamised
US intervention from Puebla to Tierra del Fuego

Wilbert Villca Là³pez, Bolivia
Revolutionary leaders, Colombia
Daniel Straga, Argentine
Professor J Peirera, Brasil

16.00 Workshops:
1. Colombia: process of peace and process of civil war
Cesar Carrillo, Unià³n Sindical Obrera USO and other main protagonists of the popular struggle, Colombia

2. Argentina: the break down of capitalism and the dynamics of popular movements
Daniel Straga, Correpi, Argentine

3. Bolivia: The new wave of peasant struggles and the election success of Evo Morales
Wilbert Villca Là³pez
