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Anti-imperialists to head an Anti-imperial Front

6. January 2006

Greetings to the Freedom Socialist Party USA to its 40th Anniversary
Convention scheduled for January 13-16, 2006, in Portland, Oregon
Dear Freedoms Socialists,

We highly appreciate your steadfast anti-imperialist position which brings you to the unconditional support of the anti-imperialist struggles against imperialism led by your own country, for example the support to the Iraqi resistance. We know and we have seen that this means to be courageous as the right to express this view within the US is under sever attack.

But for us anti-imperialism is not only a basic principle for communists it has become a strategic choice after the big historic defeat the communist movement suffered globally. In a certain sense it is the detour we have to make to reach the proletariat. The Western proletariat has been completely integrated into the imperialist system over the course of a century not only in the US but also in Europe.

The latest striking proof if the sub-urban sub-proletarian revolt in France which had to face not only the French elites but also the refusal by the organised workers’ movement and the left. The slogan “Make Paris to Baghdad” was not welcomed by them.

So it is clear that the driving for of a socialist revolution are the poor and downtrodden masses of the capitalist periphery including the working class.

But that does not mean that our activity in the West has lost importance. No, to the contrary. Only if these popular anti-imperialist forces are recognising that also in the West there are significant antagonist forces they will embrace the communist idea which call for the universal unification of the oppressed to overthrow the imperialist state machinery. As today they cannot see these anti-imperialist forces within the imperialist countries it is only logic that they follow a “sectoralist” form of anti-imperialism like political Islam to give only the most important example.

So what we propose is not only an Anti-imperialist Front but on a broader popular level an “anti-imperial” front against the American Empire and its allies (many the EU powers) like the anti-fascist front against the threat of Nazi Germany. Certainly this includes the struggle for the defence of the democratic rights which are being curbed by the imperial attempts.

Only by taking this detour we will be able to re-build a revolutionary subject also in the West.

We wish your conference fruitful deliberations.
With anti-imperialist greetings
Willi Langthaler
Spokesman of the Anti-imperialist Camp
