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Iraqi “Interior Minister” and pro-Iranian militias involved in mass killings

20. February 2006

by an authorized spokesman of the Patriotic, National, and Islamic Front
concerning the crimes committed by the treacherous pro-Iranian gangs in Iraq
and its environs

Since the beginning of the current month of February criminal pro-Iranian militias under the puppet “Interior Ministry,” backed by the US occupation forces and with the participation of battalions of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Brigades of the heathen army that the US occupation forces have formed, trained, and equipped . . . these armed puppet gangs have carried out widespread raids in numerous neighborhoods of Baghdad and its environs, arresting and killing hundreds of our citizens in a desperate attempt to terrorize our people and to curb the escalating heroic operations of the Iraqi patriotic Resistance…

These criminal gangs kicked off their latest campaign by surrounding and searching the neighborhoods of al-‘Amiriyah, al-Ghazaliyah, al-Khadra’. They arrested hundreds of residents of these neighborhoods.

On February 2nd they surrounded the al-Jihad neighborhood in Baghdad and arrested more than 300 local residents after breaking down their doors, ransacking their houses, terrifying women and children, and smashing their household furniture.

On February 4th, the pro-Iranian gangs backed up by tanks and aircraft of the American occupation troops, raided many districts in the southern Baghdad areas of ad-Durah and as-Sayyidiyah. They smashed doors and furniture in houses and mosques, tore up dozens of copies of the Holy Qur’an, mocked the Arab Prophet Muhammad ibn ‘Abdallah, may peace and blessings be upon him, and arrested 35 people . At the same time another force was raiding the al-‘Amil neighborhood and arresting 25 local men.

Since the first of this month, the districts of Salman Bak and Abu Ghurayb have been subject to savage, continuous nighttime raids. Sixty-five people have been arrested in Salman Bak.

On February 8th, pro-Iranian gangs carried out widespread raids in many areas of the Baghdad district of al-A’zamiyah, arresting dozens of local citizens. Every morning dozens of bodies are being found tossed in the streets and lanes of Baghdad, ar-Rustamiyah, Badrah, and Jassan – bodies bearing signs of barbaric, sav age torture. These bodies belong to the citizens who are being arrested in the course of this outrageous campaign of hate. . .

The Patriotic, National, and Islamic Front holds the US occupation forces fully responsible for these savage crimes being perpetrated by their stooges in the pro-Iranian militias operated by the “Interior Ministry” under the direction and planning of the criminals ‘Adil ‘Abd al-Mahdi al-Muntafiki, Bayan Jabr Sulagh and ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim and under the direct orders of one “Sa’idi,” the top official in the Iranian intelligence network in Iraq, whose lair is the Iranian embassy in Baghdad.

The Patriotic, National, and Islamic Front resolutely affirms that these barbarous crimes against our patient, persevering, defiant people will not go unpunished, and that the heroes of the Resistance will continue to rain the severest blows on the occupation forces and their little stooges until the occupation is driven out, the stooges are crushed, and our dear homeland is free.

Our people will win! The traitors will not escape punishment!

Glory to the heroic men of the Resistance!

Defeat and shame to the occupiers and their lackey rubbish!

Baghdad, 14 February 2006.
The Patriotic, National, and Islamic Front.
Posted in Arabic on 17 al-Muharram 1426 Hijri / 16 February 2006.
Please cite when quoting or reproducing.
Arabic original
