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Day of the anti-globalist resistance in Russia

25. March 2006

Police repress protests

This year it was mostly devoted to the memory of Slobodan Milosevic. Muscovites and St.Petersburgers also wanted to blame the USA imperialism for its crimes in Yugoslavia (bombardments in 1999 and riots in Kosovo in 2004), in Iraq and Afghanistan. We also wanted to support a little independent country Transnistria (Pridnestrovie) that does not want to enter the pro-western Moldova and now it suffers from economic blockade. And of course -to congratulate Lukashenko, who coped with the “velvet revolution” inspired by imperialists. Yet the meeting was forbidden – without reasons. In this situation Muscovites invited the Deputy of Duma – they have rights to organise a little meeting without preliminary admissions. When we gathered and began to prepare portraits of Milosevic, some of us were arrested. Still the rest made police to let the caught friends out as there were lawyers among them. But we were not allowed to wait for the invited Deputy and were made to enter the nearest underground station.

Russian Anti-Gobalists
