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Orthodox Rabbi meets with Palestinian Minister Adwan in Stockholm

11. May 2006

Press release by the Free Iraq Committee of Malmö, Sweden

Today the Chief Rabbi of the Orthodox Antizionist Jewish Community of Vienna, Austria, Mr Moshe Arya Friedman, will arrive in Stockholm exclusively to meet with the Palestinian Minister of Refugees, Dr Atef Adwan, currently visiting Europe. A joint press conference will take place at The Palestinian Delegation in Stockholm, at 6 pm. Rabbi Friedman has travelled from New York exclusively to meet with the Palestinian Minister.

According to earlier plans a similar meeting was to take place in Vienna, organized by the Anti-imperialist Camp. However, the Palestinian Minister have recently decided to cancel his visit to Austria, after the Austrian authorities on a direct request have stated that they do not want the Palestinian Minister to visit Austria. Therefore the meeting will be held today in Stockholm instead.

Malmö, May 11, 2006
Free Iraq Committee of Malmö, Sweden
Contact: +46.8.15 15 88 (The Palestinian Delegation)
