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On the detention of Jameel Saffouri, Member of the political bureau of Abnaa elBalad movement

23. June 2006

Accused of resisting racist massacre by Israeli soldier

Press release of Abnaa elBalad movement
Israeli police launches new provocations against the Arab Palestinian masses within the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories

On the detention of Jameel Saffouri, Member of the political bureau of Abnaa elBalad movement
And six other residents of Shefa’amer On 13/6/2006
Accused of resisting racist massacre by Israeli soldier

On 4 August 2005, the settler Natan Zada, an Israeli terrorist soldier, opened fire from his automatic rifle on peaceful passengers in a bus in the Galilee town Shefa’amr. Four Palestinians were killed: Sisters students Hazar and Dina Turkey, Mr. Michel Bahus and Mr. Nader Hayek. Many others were injured.

Some of the courageous people that happened to be in the bus succeeded to stop the soldier in their bare hands. Other rushed to the scene of the event in order to prevent the Israeli terrorist from continuing to fire his automatic weapon…

Israeli police and security service did nothing to prevent this massacre, in spite of several direct warnings about the danger of such actions, one of them from the soldier’s mother. Nor did they do anything to investigate or punish any of the accomplices of the killer, or any of those in the security forces whose neglect and refusal to protect Arab lives enabled the massacre.

Now the Israeli police go in Natan Zada’s trail to persecute the inhabitants of Shefa’amr, accusing them for having killed that terrorist. The command of the Israeli racist police revealed his mind by naming the campaign of arrests “unity of fate”.

On Monday 13 June 2006, at 3 AM, big police force invaded the homes of seven Palestinians in Shefa’amr and arrested them, claiming that they caused the death of the terrorist. Among those arrested is our comrade Jameel Saffouri, member of the political bureau of Abnaa elBalad movement.

This campaign of arrests is a continuation of the incessant provocations directed by the Israeli police and other state authorities against the Arab Palestinian masses within the Zionist entity in general, and especially against the leadership and militants of Abnaa elBalad movement. A Zionist police officer openly admitted: “it is true that in this case the police acted according to political directives and considerations.”

The detainees, as well as all those who confronted this terrorist, were acting in self-defense: the defense of the inhabitants of Shefa’amr in particular, and of the Arab Palestinian masses in general. Any citizen of Shefa’amr, as well as any Palestinian city, village or neighborhood, could have been the victim. The arrest and judgment of the Shefa’amr 7 are meant to intimidate the victims from protecting themselves and offering any resistance. It’s a green light for thousands of terrorists like Natan Zada and for all those who want to commit crimes against the Palestinians within the Zionist state.

The Shefa’amr affair is a clear indication of the real dangers faced by the Arab masses in general. The Follow-Up Committee for the Arab masses inside the 1948 occupied Palestine must take up this issue and not leave it to the local popular committee alone. The leaders of the Arab masses must face these dangers and assume their responsibilities: it is a question of our very existence in our own country! Unfortunately, we must say that most of the Arab leaders were absent during the demo on the occasion of the first Haifa court hearings. We hope that this situation will be reversed in the coming days. We must send a clear message that Zionist racism will not prevent us from remaining firmly attached to our homeland and that we are ready to resist.

We will carry the flag of our Palestinian dream until its realization.

Ma’an ‘Ala edDarb – Together in the struggle

Abnaa elBalad Movement
