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Freedom to Iraqi Journalist Kalshan Bayati

12. September 2006

Call by Salah Al Mukhtar

Certain elements affiliated with the Ministry of the Interior in the government formed by the American occupation in Iraq have arrested the well-known Iraqi journalist Kalshan Bayati and have taken her to an unknown destination.

We hereby plead to all free men and women in this world, especially journalists, writers, supporters of free speech, human rights organizations, and others to rush quickly to demand the immediate release of journalist Kalshan Bayati, and to exert pressure to guarantee her safety, since elements of the Ministry of the Interior have previously liquidated Atwar Bahjat, another female Iraqi journalist who was assassinated, and who went down as a martyr of the homeland and of journalism. Your pens are now being called upon to act immediately and intensively in the defense of Kalshan Bayati. Furthermore, it’s common knowledge that journalist Kalshan Bayati, who wrote for several papers, including Al Hayat of London, have done nothing except demand an end to the occupation of Iraq, and that the people of Iraq be able to reclaim their sovereignty, freedom, and dignity.

Time is of essence in preserving Kalshan’s life. Thus, we ask you all to raise your voices high, and to initiate contact with all the parties concerned with human life and freedom to secure the immediate release of Kalshan Bayati.

Long live the word of freedom standing in rejection to global American dictatorship.
Glory to all those holding fast in the line of martyrdom among journalists, writers, and supporters of freedom and human dignity.

Long live Iraq, free, Arab, and united.
