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Awni al Kalemji banned from entering Switzerland

15. December 2006

Clarification issued by the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA)

In the framework of the Iraqi political activity, to advance the cause of our people’s national liberation from the yoke of the invaders and achieve independence through the struggle to support the Iraqi national resistance in various ways and means, including free speech, brother Awni al-Kalamji, member of the General Command of the IPA, left Denmark, his state of residence, on the 13th of December 2006 by air to Greece via Zurich to attend the World Rally against the policy of isolation from 15 to 18 December.

In the Swiss city of Zurich, before boarding the plane to Greece, while in transit, the Swiss police took his passport and told him that he is banned from entering Switzerland or transit it. After a long detention of five hours they forced him to return to Denmark in the first Swiss aircraft, which came to hand.

The Swiss behavior came to our surprise, as it happened in the area of human rights where the Western political regimes and especially Switzerland boast about their record. They made humanitarian standards a sword that hangs over the forces, parties and the states adverse to the program of globalization by America, which aims to fully control the movement of peoples striving towards national liberation, political independence and technical progress at all levels. The detention of brother al Kalamji and the travel ban imposed on him, illustrates the dimensions of the unity of security regulations hostile to all Iraqi patriots. It is a blatant violation of all civil liberties. It illustrates the practical dimension of the unity of oppressors and shows the importance of free political speech consistent with the national stance opposed to the invasion and occupation and the imposition of the political programs of the United States and its allies.

This dangerous political developments in a danger for all free people in the world, particularly the Iraqi national liberation movement. All the faithful and supporters of the Iraqi national resistance raise their voices to protest against the brutal actions that affect all struggling for a sovereign free and independent Iraq. We will persist until the occupation will end.

Iraqi Patriotic Alliance
December 14, 2006
