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Iraqi govt to hang three young women for resistance

11. February 2007

Lawyer calls for solidarity action

The Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court sentenced three women to death by hanging on charges of complicity in the murder of Iraqi policemen loyal to the occupation and participation in what the Court considered to be terrorism. According to a source from within the Iraqi Lawyers Union the three women are:

Wacen Taleb (31 years): charged for killing five police officers by participation in a gunfire attack

Zainab Fadhel (25 years): charged for attacking a joint patrol of the Iraqi the American army last September with her husband and her cousin in Baghdad.

Lika Omar Muhammad (26 years): charged for participating in the killing of officials in the Green Zone with her husband and her brother

Walid Hayali, lawyer and member the Iraqi Lawyers Union, said the Court issued a ruling under item (156) against the three women without allowing them to engage legal counsel. The lawyer calls upon the whole world to move to stop the execution of three women and to condemn the Court’s ruling. He pointed out that Lika Omar Muhammad gave birth to her daughter in prison a few months ago and that she is still nursing while Wacen Taleb carries the responsibility for a three-year-old daughter. He explained that the three ladies are now in the prison “Kazim Yeh” in the Kazimiyah district of Baghdad.

Received from the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA)
