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Does NATO run a Peace mission or barbaric in Afghanistan?

31. July 2007

by Left Radicals of Afghanistan (LRA)

US imperialism and its European allies have been justifying their criminal and plundering mission and war in Afghanistan as a “Peace mission”. They expect our people to thanks for their merciful invasion and making Afghanistan as a colonial country and establishing a puppet regime here which has no determination and independence!

For several times Karzai asked U.S. and NATO to coordinate their military operations with Afghan army to prevent civilians’ casualties, but no one paid attention him, even while he cried and wept before his foreign masters!

Killing of civilians during any military operations has changed to a hobby for blood- thirsty occupiers. They offer stupid reasons for committing such crimes within bombardments as inevitable part of operation?! But how can they justify opening fire on civilians following an explosion or suicide attack?

There is no “impartial” media to report heinous crimes of US/NATO and their local regime from the war areas, only dependent media of them. In most cases they hide real figure of casualties, destruction and real situation. They shamefully claim that all killed people within their bombardments are Taliban, while even local authorities do not certify their claim and say how innocent women and children can be Taliban?! According to the figures of US/NATO and Karzai regime, if we accept daily killing of their enemies’ averagely 86 persons, then it’s easy to understand popularity and roots of resistance against occupation. But real situation is it that anti occupation resistance now is not limited to Taliban. Because the occupiers by their inhuman policies, barbaric tactics and uncivilized behavior dig their graves themselves and made people their “enemy”. The people of Afghanistan realized that imperialist invaders except killing, destruction, humiliation, poverty, unemployment, instability, corruption, displacement and beggary did not give them something else. And all sweetie promises and western democracy acts were just bitter jokes. Now the people of Afghanistan and progressive forces around the world blamed “peace mission” initiators for all miseries and chaos and bloody tragedy in Afghanistan.
Beside many reactions from inside and outside Afghanistan concerning daily causalities of civilians especially since last three years, recently Italian foreign minister Mr. Massimo D’Alema said on Wednesday (25 July 2007) that the separate U.S.-led operation in Afghanistan overlap with NATO’s mission and should be ended. Speaking of civilian casualties, D’Alema said that “this is not acceptable on a moral level and is disastrous on a political level.” Before, Prime Minister Romano Prodi, however, has not heeded U.S. calls on European allies to provide more troops to fight insurgents in southern Afghanistan and lift restrictions on how and where soldiers can fight.

On 24-25 March 2007 there was an anti occupation and anti war international conference organized by Anti Imperialist Camp in Chianciano Terme in Italy. From Afghanistan comrade Hanifullah Hanif (Rahim Ramim) was invited to this conference to represent from anti occupation and revolutionary resistance movement of Afghanistan, but owing to direct full risk of his detention by Karzai regime, his travel was canceled and instead of him two other comrades joined the conference.

L’INDIPENDENTE an Italian printed paper printed out an article on 16 March 2007, written by Mr. Salvatore Dama, where he as the government of Afghanistan, ranges Rahim Ramim with the Taliban to shadow his independent and revolutionary role and confuse public opinions about the resistance movement in Afghanistan. Mr. Salvatore Dama criticized comrade Leonardo Mazzei (organizer of the conference) as well for inviting Ramim and supporting Afghanistan’s Left revolutionary resistance, anti occupation and anti Karzai puppet regime forces. It is a common character of all imperialist and fascist regimes as Karzai that in order to legitimize their illegal presence in power, stamp other opponents, as “rebels” and “terrorists” to be killed and prosecuted….! On the other hand, all supporters of bloody war in Afghanistan attempt to show to world people that there are only Taliban who oppose the occupation and Karzai regime. But in fact, they aim to hide the popular anti occupation character of resistance in Afghanistan where left forces have been playing significant role in. it is enough to point at only to Jalalabad (May 2005) and Kabul (29 May 2006) anti US big demonstrations where several of our activists were detained and some of them such as comrade Noor, Hanif, Nasir, Inam, Saifullah, Ezat, Farda, Safiullah, Redwan, Fazal Rabi…are still under persecution of “Karzai democratic regime”, a symbol of Bush restored democracy in the region!! Its worth of mention that only few weeks ago an official journalist (Nang) who touched Karzai background in his article detained and investigated by the regime and another (Mir Hazar) an independent journalist because of exposing regimes high ranked person’s corruption were detained and threatened.

Mr. Dama argues that US/NATO including Italian troops have been carrying out a “peace mission” in Afghanistan where afghan people support them!! But now I would like to draw the attention of Mr. Dama and his friends at least to the last expressions of Mr. Massimo D’Alema where he demanded end of “peace mission” and called it “not acceptable and disastrous”! Would he range D’Alema with Leonardo Mazzie, Taliban and Rahim Ramim (Hanifullah Hanif) too?

We demand Premier Romano Prodi and Minister Massimo D’Alema to dare more and take a practical step to withdraw their invader 2000 troops from Afghanistan and stop their cooperation with “not acceptable” and “disastrous” mission of US/NATO in Afghanistan.

29 July 2007, Afghanistan
