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Bizarre Ending to Trial of Padilla

25. August 2007

Guilty for “conspiracy” thus overruling jury

August 16, 2007: Miami, Florida: Hispanic convert to Islam, Jose Padilla, was found guilty on charges of “conspiracy” related to terrorism. His co-defendants Hassoun and al-Jayyousi were also convicted.

Jose Padilla was held in isolation for three and a half years before he got the right to a proper trial. He underwent sophisticated forms of torture devised by the Bush administration. Specialists in the field say that torture which creates disorientation, hopelessness and dependence left Padilla broken and psychologically willing to please his oppressors.

No evidence or witnesses could be found against him. The government case depended on an application form which Padilla supposedly filled to be able to attend an al-Qaida camp. However there are no witnesses that he did fill the application form. His fingerprints are on the form but these could have been put on the form after he was arrested. He was not shown to have EVER been in Afghanistan.

The government wanted to prove the existence of a terrorist cell in the Miami area, so it used phone calls made by Adham Hassoun to Padilla. In turn Hassoun talked many times to Dr. Kifah al-Jayyousi. This according to the government shows that the three were a terrorist cell!

Dr. al-Jayyousi and Hassoun sent charitable funds to Bosnians and Chechens in the 1990s. This “evidence” was used in the trial to show that they were helping terrorists. The warehouse owner where Dr. Al-Jayyousi’s charity stored relief goods testified that all the goods stored were legitimate charitable donations.

Jury trials were America’s last line of defense for Rule of Law. However, in terrorism trials, juries are given rules for conviction. If the prosecution can provide certain kinds of information indicating a “conspiracy,” then the Jury must convict. Reasonable doubt no longer saves the defendant.

This is America under Zionist rule.

Sentencing will be in December.

Reprinted from # 1157 Sha’ban 8,1428/August 21, 2007 #65
