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Scottish Medicines for Gaza now in Egypt, heading to El Arish

Egypt refuses entry to Gaza

21. July 2008

(Sunday July 20th 4.45pm) The 1.5 tons of medicines from Scotland to Gaza are now a few metres outside the gate into Gaza at Rafah on the Egyptian side of the Israeli-built wall that has enclosed the people of this area, mainly refugees, for decades.

The Egyptian authorities in Rafah are refusing entry of the medicines to Gaza and are now demanding that Khalil and Linda drive the van away from their destination towards El Arish. They are threatening to load the van onto a truck and impound van and medicines.

Khalil and Linda, who have overcome may obstacles on the road from Scotland to Rafah to deliver these medicines, are refusing to drive the medicines away from the gate through the Wall into Rafah.

Please text and call with your support for Linda (00 44 7958673840) and Khalil 00 44 796 00 87 000

Also write and/or call

Egyptian Prime Minister:
Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Mohammed Nazif
Phone: (202) 7958014/35/36
Fax: (202) 7356449 – 7958016

Egyptian Interior Minister
General Habib Ibrahim Habib El Adly
Phone: (202) 7948308 – 7984300
Fax: (202) 7945529

A projected five-day journey has turned into ten days: earlier, they were turned back by the Croatian authorities, and had to drive through Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria to reach the Turkish border. There, they were initially refused entry and told to turn back, before the medicines were allowed to transit Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Egypt to get to the people of Gaza.

Obviously this is a very modest gesture of our support for the people of Gaza, in the main a refugee people, who are suffering the grim results of a wholly man-made crisis. We must all redouble our efforts to end the shameful EU-wide support for Israel’s brutal siege and wider policies of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.

Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
SPSC is affiliated to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (UK)
