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World Commission for the Solidarity with the Iraqi War Prisoners

19. October 2008

Press Release

The World Commission for the Solidarity with POWs and detainees in Iraq (WCSPD) will be holding a press conference in Brussels-Belgium, Tuesday November 4th, at 10:30 a.m. The following Iraqi intellectuals and activists will participate & speak at the press conference:

Mr. Abdul-Jabbar Suleiman Al-Kubaisy
Mr. Qais Mohammed Al-Nori
Mr. Ahmed Karim
Mr. Sobhi Toma
Mr. Baqir Al-Sarraf
Mr. Awni Al-Qalamchi
Mr. Saad Kiryakos
Mr. Sammi Allaa

During the conference films and documents will be showing to reveal the brutal practices of the American occupation authorities and the practices of the Vichy-like Iraqi government security apparatuses. Also, the participants will unveil the hideous torturing methods to which the Iraqi POWs and detainees are subjected to. The conference will be held at:

International Press Center
Rà©sidence Palace
Rue de la Loi 155
1040 Brussels
Tel. 022352102

* The World Commission for the solidarity with the Iraqi war prisoners & detainees in prisons and detention Centers in the occupied Iraq- WCSPD


Bulgarian National Peace Council give full support to your activity against antihuman violence, exercised by the US imperialists-invaders and their Iraqi marionettes over the Iraqi War Prisoners‏.

We express our moral support and solidarity with all arrested and suffered Iraqi patriots. Soon or later US imperialism will be driven away of Iraq.

Dear suffered friends, the victory will be yours! The most of the people in the world are on your side!

Bulgarian National Peace Council
Sofia, 24.10.08.
