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Participants Beirut Social Forum

23. November 2008

January 16-18, 2009
(preliminary list of which we cannot guarantee the completeness)

Lebanese Communist Party Lebanon
Society “Ecologia” Lebanon
L´altra lambardia- Sulatesta Italy
Karamah Party Lebanon
Popular Campaign Against the Siege of Gaza Lebanon
Offen- siv, Journal for Socialism and Peace Germany
International Action Center- Ramsey Clark- USA
Victor Chirinons, President of the Venezuelan Group Venezuela
Anti-Imperialist Camp Europe
Cultural Center of IDIL Turkey
Front of Peoples Turkey
Tayad (association of the Solidarity and Aid between Prisoners Families) Turkey
Campaign Iran London
Iraqi Democrats Against the Occupation London
Pakistan Institute of Labor and Education Research London
West African Bar Association London
Stop the War Coalition The National London
Stop the War Coalition Greece
Droits des Femmes pour le Developpement Algeria
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign Scotland
Hammorabi Centre for Strategic Studies Iraq
Rachda Association Algeria
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) Afghanistan
Edition Democrate France
AICPB- Russia- Nina Andreyva Russia
Party Red Norway
Nino Pasti Foundation Italy
Socialist Unity Centre of India India
All India Democratic Youth Organization India
All India Mahila Sanskritic Snagathan India
All India united Trade Union Congress India
All India Anti- Imperialist Forum India
Carolus Wimmer, Vice- President of the Latin American Parliament Venezuela
Victor Chirinos- President of the Venezuelan Group of Latin America parliament Latin America
Victor Hugo Morales, President of the Andean parliament Latin America
Yul Jabour- MP of Andean Parliament Latin America
Kifaya: Egyptian Movment for Change Egypt
Lawyer Sindicate Morocco
Centre for Strategic Data and Studies Syria
Campaign Genoa 2001 Greece
Democratic Youth Union Lebanon
Foundation Egyptian Women Issues Egypt
Network of Palestinain Youth Organisations Palestine
Miditerranian Agency for International Cooperation Morocco
Alternative – Antiglobalisation Syria
Arab Youth Counsil Morocco
Forum for Socialist Thought Jordon
Organisation Revolutionary Socialist Egypt
Stop The War Greece
Marxist Communist Indian Party -Indian Parliament – Mohammad Salem India
Shahid Sadiki -Bahjan Samaj Party – Indian Parliament India
Kamal Shinoy- Communist Party – New Delhi University Prof. India
Prof. Anroladha Shinoy -New Delhi University India
Praiber Parkiastha – Marxist Communist Indian Party India
Society Friends of Lebanon London
Foundation for War injured Care Lebanon
Beirutian Union Lebanon
Forum for Democratic Dialogue Lebanon
Kultural & Social Forum of Zaharin Lebanon
Cultural Diwan Lebanon
Cultural Union of Bint Jbeil Lebanon
Cultural Council of Jbeil Lebanon
Comity for Activation of Civil Socitey Lebanon
Literal Salon of Tripoli Lebanon
Union of Palestinain Lawyers Lebanon
Palestinian Islamic Council Lebanon
Arab Centre for Documentation and Persecution of War Criems Lebanon – Syria
Lebansese Proximity Party Lebanon
Syrian Cultural Center Spain
Cultural Centre of Misyaf Syria
Inaya Association for Care for Disabled People Lebanon
Association of Lebanese Immigrants in Germany Germany
Thursdays Forum, Baalbak Lebanon
Youth ExpectationsAssociation Lebanon
Islamic Panarab Meeting Lebanon
AlNawras Palestinan Cultural Association Lebanon
Cultural Social Club in Dwair Lebanon
Comity of Citizines of Arqub and Kufr Shouba Lebanon
National Foundation for Civil Care and Job Habilitation Lebanon
People Movement Lebanon
AlSaha Cultural Club Lebanon
The Social Welfare Association in Duwair Lebanon
Litani Club in Duwair Lebanon
Ftal Literature Club in Tripoli Lebanon
Ecology Maintainance Association in Ghaziya Lebanon
Baschura Youth Regroupment Lebanon
Municipality of Sidon Lebanon
Municipality of Nabatiyyeh Lebanon
Municipality of Dwair Lebanon
Lebanese People Congress Lebanon
Boston Center of Strategic Studies U.S.A
Red Indian Movement U.S.A
Strategic Research Centre for Arab Iranian Dialogue Iran
Ein Qana Cultural and Social Club Lebanon
General Union of Palestian Authors and Journalist Lebanon
Alliance of Lebanse Associations and Comities Supporting Resistance and Victory Lebanon
AlQuds Solidarity Association Lebanon
International Network for Palsetine Lebanon
Group Aidoon (We Will Return) Lebanon
League of Beirut Sons Lebanon
Beirut National Youth Meeting Lebanon
Hammurabi Centre for Juridical Research andd Studies Lebanon
Union Party Lebanon
MLKP Turkey
Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, Usama Hamdan Lebanon
Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, Abu Imad El Rifaii Lebanon
Palestinian Popular Fight Fron, Abu Khaled Shamal Lebanon
Palestinian Liberation Front, Mohammad Yassin Lebanon
Saiqa, Abu Hasan Ghazi Lebanon
PFLP GC, Ramez Mustapha Lebanon
Palestinian Revolutionary Communist Party, Abu Firas Isa Lebanon
Fatah Intifada, Hasan Zeidan Lebanon
PFLP, Marwan Abdel Al Lebanon
DFLP, Suheil Natur Lebanon
AlNAwras Palestinian Cultural Association, Imad Bani Hasan Lebanon
Lebanese Arab Forum Lebanon
Armin köhli- Geneva call / Programme Officer Middle East Geneva
Lenora Foerstel/ vice president of Women Mutual Security Greece
Socialist Party / Mobinul Hayder Chowdhury Bangladesh
Roberto Gabriele / IAPSCC Italy
Arab Democratic Party Lebanon
Arab Socialist Union, Nasserist Organisation Lebanon
National Nasserist Organisation Lebanon
Shaghila, Worker League in Lebanon Lebanon
Ma.D.I.S.A Greece
Jonathan Castill/ American Student in AUC USA
Aldea/ Pamplona- Navarra-Spain / Ma. Cristina Portales Carrandi Spain
Khalequzzaman Bangladesh
Curtis Doebbler of Nord Sud XXIin – Geneva Suisse
Troops Out Now Coalition USA
The youth group: fist- Fight Imperialism USA
Women for Mutual Security North America
Defend Palestine committee- NY New York
Dr Sabah Yassin, Arab Unsion Study Centre Lebanon
Manik mukherjee India
Sara Flounders USA
Michael lucas Canada
Ranjit Dhar India
Khalekujjaman Bangladesh
Eliathambi Thambayiah Sri Lanka
Dhruba mukherjee India
Amitabha chatterjee India
Biplab chakraborty Iapscc, India
Ajanta ghosh India
Sreedhar India
Soumen bose India
Mobinul haider chowdhury Bangladesh
