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Arrest warrent against Sudanese president imperialist plot

5. March 2009

Call by the Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation to all free citizens of the work
Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Comrades Honest workers of the world,
Free citizens of the world,

Today, the Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant for the arrest of H. E Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir, President of the republic of Sudan. This president, which is the first of its kind, violates the sovereignty and independence of the states.

Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation knows very well that this decision has nothing to do with the law, the justice and the humanity; rather, it is a political decision aiming at targeting a country saying No to the oppression powers. It is a conspiracy against a country paved its course of development, independence and glory, far away from the imperial domination and its aggression.

Honest workers of the world,
Free citizens of the world,
Justice seekers in the world,

This decision of the (ICC) over passes the personal dimension of H. E Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir, President of the republic of Sudan as well as the country dimension of Sudan. It is a plot planned by the oppressing powers, world imperialism and Zionist movement to be used as a president against the third world to subdue to their direct wills and dictations. Hence, these powers become super dominant powers using the International Criminal Court (ICC) as a tool for indictment and convection of whatsoever standing against them. Accordingly, confronting the International Criminal Court (ICC) must be an issue of liberation that will give back to the people the right to elect their leaders who will be accountable before them, maintain their sovereignty and independence.

Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation absolutely rejects this decision and strongly condemns the lack of justice measures in the world. Moreover, SWTUF will confront this decision by all means, affirming to the friendly and sisterly countries and movements that development process, progress and production wheel shall continue to move in a regular manner, with more force and effort. Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation appeals to the honest workers, Free citizens and Justice seekers in the world for the following:

• To reject this decision completely.
• To express their stances by all means and ways (demonstrations, rallies, boycotting…etc.)
• To form a broad coalition to attain justice and denounce injustice.
• Exert pressure on governments and states parties to Rome Statute to withdraw ratifying the statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
• Exert pressure on the United Nations, its institutions and agencies to dissociate from the hegemony of the USA and its allies.
• To continue uprising to reform the political system and the international law.

The revolution process shall continue to attain victory, and to ensure sustainable peace, equity, justice and stability.

Executive Bureau,
Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation
4 March 2009
