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Samieh Jabbarin released into house arrest

8. March 2009

Arab protests within Israel remain extremely difficult

Samieh Jabbarin and Ibrahim Mahajne were released after 16 days of detention (from 10/2, the Knesset election day, till 26/2). They remain both under strict house arrest in the homes of their parents in Um elFahm.

For Samieh this means he is distanced from his friends, work and studies in Yaffa, were he used to live.

They are both charged with “assaulting a policeman” at the protest against visiting Zionist extremists in Um elFahm. The only evidence against them is testimonies of some of the policemen that were present.

Even though the event was closely filmed, the police preferred not to present the video, supposedly not to expose its own violence.

Further reading:

Abnaa elBalad condemns political detention of Samieh Jabbarin

A letter from Israeli Prison
