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Pictures Anti-imperialist Camp 2012

25. September 2012
Assisi, 23-26 August, 2012

In Assisi, the picturesque medieval town symbolising the quest for peace and friendship between Islam and Christianity, the Tahrir movements against the US order in the Arab world came together with the popular protests in Southern Europe against the starvation programmes of the EU oligarchy. It was a unique event bringing the tremendous challenges to the revolutionary movement to the consciousness of the militants.

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Resistance and democracy to be married
A way out for Syria The main debate in Assisi as well as in the anti-imperialist movement at large has been over Syria. We encountered an overwhelming common spirit that a way must be found to fulfil the legitimate democratic rights of the popular masses while the support to the resistances against imperialism and Zionism can be continued. The only possibility to end the repression against the democratic popular movement, to avert a sectarian civil war, to stop foreign involvement and to prevent foreign military intervention is a political solution by negotiations. This tendency was epitomized by the presence of two outstanding personalities, namely Haitham Manna from the “National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change” (NCB), the main anti-imperialist opposition coalition … [read more]
Programme Anti-imperialist Camp 2012
Thursday, August 23 Tunisia: political Islam, the left and the future of the democratic revolution Presiding: Daniela Di Marco • Ajmi Lourimi, member of the political leadership if the Islamic movement Enahda The left in crisis over Libya: the NATO attack and the civil war Presiding: Massimo De Santi • Hamza Piccardo, former leading member of the Union of Islamic Communities in Italy (UCOII), former spokesperson of the European Muslim Network, Islam online • Moreno Pasquinelli, speaker of the Anti-imperialist Camp Syria: democratic transition or civil war? Presiding: Wilhelm Langthaler • Haitham Manna, speaker of the National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change (NCB) Friday, August 24 Greece: elections or revolution? Presiding: … [read more]
Tahrir - popular uprisings at our doors
The fall of tyrants like Ben Ali and Mubarak marks a turning point in history. After a long period of lethargy, the peoples of the Middle East have once again raised their heads. The imperial powers had taken advantage of this passivity and had swept away by brute force any obstacle to their total dominance. However, from Iraq to Afghanistan, from Lebanon to Palestine, the American war machine was facing stiff resistance. Some had to accept defeats while others continue to defy the hubris of the masters of the world. Imperial power was based not only on the state of Israel but also on satraps of Mubarak’s type. Their role was precisely to keep the peoples down, to prevent them from unifying with the resistance movements, in order to defeat them. As their domination is … [read more]
Pictures Anti-imperialist Camp 2012
In Assisi, the picturesque medieval town symbolising the quest for peace and friendship between Islam and Christianity, the Tahrir movements against the US order in the Arab world came together with the popular protests in Southern Europe against the starvation programmes of the EU oligarchy. It was a unique event bringing the tremendous challenges to the revolutionary movement to the consciousness of the militants. Read entire … [read more]