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Solidarity with the Hungerstrikers in Turkey!

14. May 2001

by OZTUDAK (Freedom Prisoners Solidarity Committee)


Since now more than 202 days in Turkey 718 political prisoners are in hunger strike and 400 political prisoners in a death-chamfered. They protest against the modern KZ`s, the so-called f-type-prisons, introduced again in Turkey, the extremely bad living conditions and the physical and psychological torture in the prisons. This protest action has cost already 22 human lives! If you support the demands of the prisoners stated down, please transmit their signature to the following address:

The demands of the political prisoners are:

– F-type-prisons are prisons of the IMF and are aligned to isolation. The isolation in the prisons has to stop immediately!

-At the beginning of the death chamfering /hunger strike the prisoners explained to assume no medical handling. The medical obligation handlings, to which the prisoners are to be submitted have to stop immediately!

– Cells, which are built for fewer than 15 persons, mean isolation, therefore the doors of the current cells are to be left open from the morning counting to 24:00 o`clock!

– During the attendance times the prisoner shouldn`t be brought into difficulties! There should be a possibility to buy newspapers and magazines after their own selection, and to receive
mail as well!

– Both the physical and the psychological torture have to stop immediately!

– Prisoners, who were already released, have been arrested again due to the military attack of 19.12.2000. These prisoners are to be released again within shortest time.

England, Germany, France, Austria.
