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For an Independent Anti-imperialist Protest Ralley against the Genoa Summit!

9. June 2001

Preparatory Meeting, June 17, 2001

In order to organize an independent and unitarian anti-imperialist mobilsation against the G8-summit scheduled for July 20-22 in Genoa, Italy, we call for a preparatory meeting to be held on
June 17, 2001, 10:00 a.m.
Bologna, Italy,
Sala Benjamin, via del Pratello

This international anti-imperialist protest meeting is scheduled for July 20, 2001 from 2:00 p.m. until the evening, in Piazza della Vittoria, Genoa. Representatives of anti-imperialist liberation struggles, of workers parties from both the South and the North of the world, of countries subjugated to embargos are going to deliver their speeches reporting about their conditions of life under imperialist and neo-liberalist siege, as well as about their resistance and liberation struggle.

All interested organisations or individuals are invited to contact us for further information:
or (in Italy):

Call for an independent and unitarian anti-imperialist protest ralley against the G8-Summit in Genoa:
Anti-imperialist Call Genoa Protest
