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Africa Global Action (AGA): Discussions in Sweden begin

11. June 2001

by African Viewpoint

As the crisis of Capitalism deepens Internationally and the anticapitalist anti-imperialist Movement broadens, discussions about the building of an anti-imperialist African body in Sweden have also began.

Africans in Sweden have been unable to respond effectively to virulent attacks against the community not just because of lack of leadership but also due to an acute shortage of clear ideological direction. In the process, opportunists have continued to recycle exhausted methods of struggle that have mainly been geared towards opportunistic economic pursuits. The end result is that many Africans have been demoralised on the question of getting organised to fight racism, unemployment, discrimination, harassment and other attacks against the community. It is against this background that discussions for the formation of a body that can address questions affecting Africans from a class perspective are continuing.

With the help of a few concerned Africans, a draft declaration has been drawn and is guiding discussions (see below). The African is under attack from all directions and these attacks can be countered effectively by Africans organising on all fronts. We welcome all Africans who find this idea interesting. The African Left needs to regroup!


1. For an end to Capitalism and imperialist domination of Africa.

2. For an end to IMF, World Bank and WTO`s exploitative economic agenda in Africa and an end to IMF/World Bank/WTO`s influence in the continent.

3. For the creation of a United States of Africa along Socialist lines based on the democratic participation of the masses and built around political, economic, cultural and security empowerment.

4. For the struggle aimed at African States refusing to pay imperialist debts that have currently ravaged and crippled the Continent.

5. For the struggle in support of the Global African Reparation Movement to force Western, Eastern, Near Eastern and Asian imperialism to pay for:

– The barbaric slavery of millions of Africans.
– Brutal division and colonization of Africa
– The Neo-colonial calamity in the motherland.
– Centuries of looting and plunder of Africa`s wealth, Human and natural resources.
– Decades of economic and mental slavery of Africans.

6. For the struggle against Institutionalised State racism, discrimination, harassment and violence against Africans across the world.

7. For the propagation of the scientific theory detailing how Aids was created by American/Western imperialism to exterminate the African race.

8. For a Pan-African linking of the African anti-imperialist struggle with the anti-imperialist-anti-globalization-anti capitalist Movement across the world.

9. For a Pan-African co-ordination of African organisations, structures and individuals all over the world as a means of realising the African liberation from imperialist domination.

10. For the African economic/political/social/scientific/technical and cultural revolution as the basis of change and transformation.

11. For International solidarity with all anti capitalist-anti Imperialist forces struggling to free the world from capitalist exploitation, economic plunder and destruction of the world environment.

We are mobilizing support for this declaration from Africans, African organizations, individuals, advocates of African Union, advocates of a United States of Africa, Pan-Africanists, Anti capitalists across the world, Anti imperialists and the anti globalization Movement, all in the spirit of struggle, solidarity and liberation of the oppressed people of Africa and the world.

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