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Programme of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001

8. July 2001

Assisi, July 28 – Agust 5

Saturday, July 28


21.00: Concert and official inauguration of Camp 2001

The following workshop will be held during the whole duration of the Camp:
IT-workshop, focussing on a more appropriate usage of the Internet

Sunday, July 29

Meetings with the international delegations

15.30: Plenary Session
After Genoa: The global challenge.

The antagonistic forces and the perspectives of the anti-globalisation movement

21.00: Forums
Forum 1: Political Prisoners
a) Methodology of oppression and punishment
b) The cold war´s loot
c) Statistics of political prisoners
Speakers: Senideak, Bask Country; DHKC and Öztudak, Turkey; Addameer, Palestine; Vera Smith, ex-political prisoner, IDP-national commission for human rights, Mexico

Forum 2: Exodus and migrants
a) Freedom of circulation for capital but not for human beings
b) Racism and working class
c) Immigrants, neo-liberalism and class struggle
Speakers: Migrante, Organisation of Filipino people in Europe

Forum 3: Catholic church and globalisation


Monday, July 30

Meetings with the international delegations

15.30: Plenary Session
Hidden Genocide

Crimes in Africa and the complicity of Imperialism
Speakers: Partisans of Resistance of the DRC, AIF Opà©ration 1234, Congo; PDL Sierra Leone; YHSDN Senegal; Dr. Bashir Kurfi, Nigeria

21.00: Forums
Forum 1: The Left and Islam
Speakers: PFLP, Palestine; PDL, Sierra Leone

Forum 2: The African crises and the concept of Nation-state
Speakers: Dr. Bashir Kurfi, Nigeria; Partisans of Resistance of the DRC, AIF Opà©ration 1234, Congo

Forum 3: Venezuela under Chavez: a case of consequent anti-imperialism?
Speakers: FEUV, Venezuela


Tuesday, July 31

Meetings with the international delegations

15.30: Plenary Session
The Crises of the Indian subcontinent:

Between global capitalism, national-religious movements and the challenge of the monopolar world
Speakers: CMKP, Pakistan, Anti-imperialist Forum, Nepal

21.00: Forums

Forum 1: The current situation in Afghanistan and the women´s struggle
a) 25 years of civil war
b) The Talibans and the CIA
c) The women´s struggle against the Taliban regime
Speakers: RAWA, ALO; Afghanistan

Forum 2: Round Table: For a critical history of Italian communism
a) The CPI´s origins and the role of Antonio Gramsci
b) The XX. Congress and the China-USSR break
c) Towards a new communist party?

Forum 3: Working class and capitalist mafia: report on the situation in Russia
Speakers: Russian Maoist Party


Wednesday, August 1

Meetings with the international delegations

15.30: Plenary Session
The Palestinian Question and the Middle East Conflict

Speakers: PFLP, Palestine

21.00: Forums
Forum 1: War or peace? The perspectives of the liberation struggle in Kurdistan
a) Repression is continuing
b) PKK´s turn
c) Independence or autonomy?
Speakers: Dino Frisullo, Movement for Solidarity with the Kurd People, Italy

Forum 2:Founding Assembly of the International Committee for Solidarity with Palestine

Forum 3: The trade union struggle at the Zastava, Yugoslavia
Speakers: Workers Movement Kragujevac


Thursday, August 2

Meetings with the international delegations

Round Table: Philosophy and revolution
a) On the relationship Hegel-Marx
b) Science and Consciousness
c) Dialectical materialism and philosophy

15.30: Plenary Session
The National Question in Maastricht Europe

Speakers: EHK, Bask Country; IRSP, Ireland; Sardinian Communists, Sardinia Nation, Endavant, Catalonia

21.00: Forums

Forum 1: The Balkans hornets´ nest and the NATO
a) NATO and the expansion to the East
b) Social classes, nations and ethnic groups: the case of Yugoslavia
b) Nationalism and communism
Speakers: Zivorad Jevtic, Workers Movement Kragujevac, Jugoslavia

Forum 2: The European Left and the Maastricht Europe
a) The European Union after the Nice Summit
b) Under NATO´s umbrella
c) Federation of Nation-states?
Speakers: NAR, Greece; IRSP, Ireland

Forum 3: The situation of the indigenous people in Latin America
a) Apartheid in Latin America
b) The Left and the silence of racial segregation
c) Armed struggle
Speakers: PCMLE, Ecuador

Friday, August 3

Meetings with the international delegations

Round Table: Ernesto Che Guevara´s thinking and action
Speakers: Roberto Massari

15.30: Plenary Session
Separately United: The Guerilla Movements in Colombia

Speakers: representatives of Colombian resistance movements(requested)

21.00: Forums

Forum 1: The Italian situatioin, the crisis of the Left and the tasks of revolutionaries

Forum 2: The Zapatists and Class struggle in Mexico
Speakers: IDP, Bloque de Poder Popular, Mexico

Forum 3: The Diamond War in West Africa
Speakers: PDL, Sierra Leone

Saturday, August 4

Rebellion is necessary!

The protagonists of the new anti-imperialist front take the floor

Press Conference

Plenary Meeting of the Delegations

The red municipality: Meeting with the mayor and the municipal administration of Gubbio

21.30: Concert and Theater Perfmorance “N.A.T.O. per Uccidere” with “Music Band Popular Initiative”


Sunday, August 5


In case of unforeseen circumstances the programme is subject to changes
