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Memik Horoz must be released immediately

1. August 2001

Urgent call from the International League of Peoples´ Struggle (ILPS)

Memik Horoz, the deputy chairperson of the International League of Peoples´ Struggle (ILPS), a journalist of many years and his niece Serap Horoz, were arrested on June 18, 2001 in Cemberlitas, Istanbul by the Turkish state security forces. Memik Horoz is currently in detention and has been transferred to the Tokat City Gendarmerie headquarters – a special counter-insurgency unit. It is claimed that a complaint has been filed against him.
We call on all participating organizations of the ILPS and all democratic and anti-imperialist forces throughout the world to urgently raise their voice of protest against the Turkish regime and the captivity of an officer of the ILPS. Given the track record of the Turkish state in the brutal treatment of political prisoners and those in detention such as the massacre of political prisoners in December 2000 and the repression employed against the current heroic struggle and resistance of the political prisoners against the F type isolation prisons, the life of Memik Horoz is in extreme danger.

The International Coordinating Group of the ILPS appeals to all participating organizations of the ILPS to mobilize and express their concern about the safety and health of Memik Horoz, the deputy Chairperson of the ILPS and use all measures to secure his immediate and unconditional release.

The International Coordinating Group
Of the International League of Peoples´ Struggle

Please Fax your letters of concern to the Turkish embassies and consulates in the country of your residence and to the following authorities in Turkey:

Interior Ministry Fax: 0090 312 418 1795
Justice Ministry: Fax: 0090 312 417 3954 or 415 4819

Please send copies to ILPS by:
Fax: 31 30 2322989
Email :,
