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Free the political prisoners

8. August 2001

Resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi 2001

Those are the demands of the political organisations and social movements signed below:

1) The liberation of all revolutionary prisoners in the world.
2) The recognition of the political status of the revolutionary prisoners in the world; and end of the criminalisation against them.
3) An end to the annihilation politics (as the F-type isolation cells in turkey, Stammheim in Germany, mistreatment and separation) by different imperialist states and institutions like NATO or the European Union and their collaborating fascist regimes. Furthermore we demand the introduction of a process of dialogue with the different representatives of the collectives of the prisoners.
4) An immediate halt to the systematical application of torture against the revolutionary political prisoners by the imperialist governments and collaborating regimes; an end to the international silence in front of this brutal attack on the basic rights.

1. Adaamer, Germany-Palestine
2. ALO, Afghanistan Liberation Organisation
3. BAYAN International, New Patriotic Alliance of the Philippines, Europe
4. Block for People´s Power, Mexico
5. Communitarism and Independence, Sardinia
6. Confederation of Sard Communists
7. D17, Direction 17, Italy
8. DHKC, Revolutionary People´s Liberation Front, Turkey
9. European Movement for a Tribunal against NATO, Germany
10. FEUV, Federation of University Students of Venezuela
11. GUPS, General Union of Palestinian Students, Austria
12. IDP, Popular Democratic Left, Mexico
13. ILC, International Leninist Current
14. International Forum, Denmark
15. Loyalty to Men and Earth, Movement of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
16. MIGRANTE, Organisation of Philippine Immigrants in Europe, the US and Japan
17. Molon, Movement for the Liberation of Nigeria
18. PCMLE, Communist Party Marxist Leninist, Ecuador
19. PFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Friends in Europe
20. Red Action, Duisburg, Germany
21. RKL, Revolutionary Communist League, Austria
22. RKL-T, Revolutionary Communist League Thuringia, Germany
23. Russian Maoist Party
24. Senideak, Association of support to the Basque political prisoners
25. Support Group “Colombia never again”, Switzerland
26. TAYAD, Turkey
27. Youth and Human Settlement Development Network, Senegal
