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World Trade Center Bombings the Real Reasons

20. September 2001

By Ziad Shaker elJishi, Dallas

Most of the US media has sought to offer many Americans the reasons behind the bombing of the World Trade Center (WTC) doing their best to miss the point. Particularly avoiding two words: imperialism and class struggle.

Whilst experts are called upon and so many have offered their suspect opinions from reactionary idiots like Fouad Ajami to imbeciles like the Zionist ambassador to the US who was quick to ask the US to bomb Syria!

Americans should know the truth now that the World Trade Center bombings have taken place and to place the problem and its solution in the proper place specifically in the two issues of US imperialism and its practice as the foreign policy of the US.

We have seen many theories being offered for American public consumption in these times of elevated ultra-nationalism and calls for blood and revenge! All fueled by a combination of ignorance and racism spread amongst the American masses.

One of such feeding frenzy a theory in its ever-present idiotic and ignorant formulation by Huntington titled clash of civilizations. In this racist arrogant analysis, many so-called experts in the US rely on; Huntington spews his racism in describing that an irreconcilable schism exists between the civilizations of the East and the West that will lead to their inevitable clash. This colonial racist concept assumes implicitly the racial superiority of the West over the East predicting as it does a clash and more importantly un-harmony between two worlds!

It takes us back thousands of years regressively to Roman Empire times of survival of the strong! This twisted and illogical analysis assumes nothing has changed in the evolution and progression of human kind where we as a society still live on the values of the jungle where one tribe must be great and other tribes subordinate to it and where a human can not live without enslaving or even killing another human in order to sustain his own survival.

In this case America is the great and sole power and all else must be subordinate to it. This is racism in its most clear form this is regressive and reactionary thinking in its clearest form, the colonial superiority of centuries ago embodied today by the likes of Huntington and his imperialist masters.

No Mr. Huntington people in the East and the West are the same they were born free and you and the imperialists that you serve wish to separate them into master and slave by racial and class distinctions.

So much has this idiocy diffused in the mainstream capitalist media that it is cited by experts on NPR (National Public Radio) and of recent the Dallas Morning News has featured an article embodying and spreading this exact erroneous view to the American public.

The second issue the US media had spread to the American people is that the bombing that took place at the WTC was a result of a clash of religions. In this crazy scenario the culprit is the religion of Islam. Of course the effect of this irresponsible accusation has created so much violence to Muslims all over the United States with numerous mosques being attacked by gun-shots and cocktail Molotovs that the capitalist president himself had to visit the mosque in Washington DC to restore some semblance of protection and dignity to practicing Muslims all over the nation. Shows on television with the help of American Muslim organizations reacting to the violence took on a defensive position starting to defend the Islamic religion as if it was the reason behind the WTC bombings when IT WAS NOT!

So this is not a clash of civilizations, it is not a clash of religions, and certainly it is not what the American media tried to explain away naively as a case of “the people of the world are being “envious” of America!!” they explained stupidly that nations of the world were poorer than Americans and did not have as nice of a life as Americans so they were envious and that is why they hate America and want to attack it.

What simple logic that is, aimed at insulting the intelligence of the American people and diverting them from the real issues at hand and most importantly from allowing the people to analyze for the real reasons behind the bombing.

Nobody in jumping quick to label this bombing as a religious war led by the now accused Islam asked the question: Well if it was a religious war why was not a Church picked to be bombed?

Indeed, the answer to the reasons behind the bombings of the WTC and Pentagon lie in the choice of the bombing targets. The targets were chosen as symbols in themselves of US imperialism specifically capitalism and the militarism that enforces it. These to the world have become the symbols of American hegemony in particular in its capitalist and imperialist nature of the new US world order. The real reasons behind the bombing of the WTC and Pentagon is the foreign policy of the United States and its capitalist aggression through globalization and military occupation.

The true reasons (and the solution) to stopping attacks on America are for the American people to confront and end the US foreign policy of imperialism and capitalism in themselves.

Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism. When capitalism exhausts exploitation of the American working people it expands outward to exploit new markets and labor of the world for profit. In doing so it uses its military means as the Persian Gulf War was. It is ruthless and creates a schism in a class fashion between an increasingly small minority of rich and an increasingly large majority of poor that suffer as a result.

It is a class struggle! People are not envious of America and hate Americans; people of the world are fighting to survive this ruthless aggression by capitalism through imperialism and its military enforcers. The reason why so many poor and oppressed of the world are angry is not because of envy but because of robbery of their resources and its accumulation in the US. People of the United States need not pay with their blood for the military establishment to gain more power, for military corporations to get richer and for the bourgeoisie state heads of capitalism to reap more wealth and affluence. People of the world are poorer because of US imperialism and the theft of their resources to accumulate in the center of capitalism for the benefit of the few. The violence the military establishment of the bourgeoisie wants to commit internationally will only reap more violence to the American people at home.

This is not a religious war, this is not a racial war, this is not a personal envy vendetta this is CLASS WAR against an IMPERIALIST world order all working class Americans and the marginalized millions effected by its aggression and terror must join hands to end!

